Your adopted

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( Lisa's and Skylar's outfits☝) ( what Lisa's and Skylar's secret spot looks like)

( year is 2015)

-Skylar's POV-

I'm Skylar, I'm 15 years old and I live with my mom and older sister Joanna who is 18.

I just finished my bowl of cereal so I get up and put it in the sink okay, I'm going to Lisa's, I love you I tell my mom and Joanna.

Wait Skylar mom tells me making me stop at the entrance of the kitchen, we need to talk she says.

Whatever it is, I didn't do it I say putting my hands up, Skylar just sit she tells me so I do.

Did someone die? I question, no mom says looking at Joanna and she looks back at mom.

I look at Joanna then back at mom again you two are freaking me out I say, Skylar... your adopted she tells me after what seems long of silence.

I look at her shock what? I question confused, yes Skylar, your adopted she says.

So you two are not really my mom and sister? I question again, no, we're not mom tells me.

Why are you telling me this? I question again, because your biological mom called saying she wants to meet you she replies.

Why did she give me up in the first place? I question again, you have to talk to her about that but it's up to you if wanna see her or not she says.

She wants to see you Skylar but it's still up to you she continues, I sigh can I think about it? I ask.

Sure she replies while I get up walking out of the kitchen, how in the hell did they both keep this from me for this long? I say to myself.

I get to Lisa's house because I live across the street, I knock on the door and to my surprise Lisa opens the door.

Hey baby she says smiling hugging me, hey babe I replie hugging her back.

What's wrong? She ask pulling away, my mom just told me something I say.

What was it? She questions, I sigh let's talk outside in the back I say heading to the back.

We get to the back sitting on the swings what happen? She questions, I sigh looking down at the ground Skylar, your scaring me she says worriedly.

I look up at her my mom told me that I'm adopted I say, she looks at me shock your adopted? She questions while I nod.

And that my biological mom wants to meet me I say, do you wanna meet her? She ask.

I don't know, I mean I want to know why she gave me up I replie, do you know what her name is? She ask again.

No, I didn't ask but all I know is that she called my mom saying she wants to meet me, that's all I say.

Well, your mom isn't really your mom she tells me, I'm still gonna call her mom I replie.

Well, if you wanna meet her it's up to you she says, actually I guess I do wanna meet her I also say.

You guess? She questions, I don't know, I mean I do but I also don't I replie.

I just have to think really hard I contuine, well, I can take your mind off of it she says getting up smirking.

How? I question then she gets close to me with our lips almost touching, we can go to our spot she says pulling back smirking.

You fricken tease I mumble while I stand up and she laughs, I'm sorry, here she says again kissing me so I kiss back.

Okay, let's go to our spot I say smirking, do you got swimtrunks? She ask.

No but I can just be in my boxers I replie.

( at their spot)

We get to our spot which is in between two rocks so you have to craw in between the rocks to get to the area.

( flashback) ( April 4th 2015)

It's my birthday and Lisa and I are hiking hey Lise, look I say walking up to these rocks.

What is this? She questions standing next to me, it's rocks I replie squeezing myself between them a little to see something.

Skylar, what are you doing? She ask me, whoa babe, look at this I say looking at her then start climbing.

Skylar- oh my gosh I hear Lisa say so I stop and see her following me, we get to this one spot and you can't go anymore so I look down.

Wow, this is hard she says looking at me, well yeah, all you are using is your arm and leg muscles I replie.

You know I don't have a lot of muscle she tells me while I smirk, what? She questions confused.

Well the best thing to do is to let go I tell her, what? She questions again looking at me shock.

I let go oh my gosh, Skylar! I hear Lisa yell before I land in some water, I come back up Lisa, come down, it's okay, trust me! I yell up to her chuckling.

After a few seconds I see her falling while screaming then she lands into the water.

She comes up and looks at me you scared the heck outta me! She yells swimming up to me and hits me while tries too.

I'm sorry baby I replie chuckling hugging her and she hugs back, I thought I lost you she whispers in my ear.

I'm sorry baby I say feeling bad, I pull away hey, at least we found a cool spot, this can be our secret spot I tell her looking around.

What if people come here all the time? She questions, looks like no one doesn't even know it's here I replie swimming to this rock you can lay on.

( end of flashback)

We get to the rocks taking off our clothes and leave them here where people can't see them because people do hike this area but they don't know the rocks are here because Lisa and I kinda hid it with some branches and leaves.

We squeeze in while I'm first then we get to the spot were we need to drop, your first Lisa tells me smirking.

I look at her okay, I'll meet you down there I replie then I let go of the rock and I fall downwards landing into the water.

I come up for air come on Lise! I yell to her, I hear her scream then I see her coming down and she lands inside the water.

I hate that we need to drop every time she says coming up, I know but you gotta admit it's cool I replie.

Yeah, it is she also replies while we continue to swim around, I swim up to the rock getting out while Lisa does the same.

We come here almost all the time so we put some blankets here just incase we get cold or something.

( 5 hours later)

We're back at Lisa's and it's 10pm so our parents are probably freaking out I'll see you tomorrow Lisa tells me.

Okay, I love you I replie kissing her and she kisses back, I love you too says going inside while I walk to my house smiling to myself.

I walk in heading upstairs to my room, I'm walking past Joanna's room and her door is open.

Hey Sky she says while I ignore her and walk into my room, she knows I'm piss off because she also knew and she never told me.

I slam my door locking it then walk up to my bed flopping myself onto my bed I don't know if I wanna meet my birth mom I say to myself looking up at the ceiling.

Chapter 1 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So this is the first chapter of Gal Gadot is my mom, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out

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