Weird Groupchat

356 8 12

FinnTheFish🐢💓 added Millie,Gaten and 2 more

JackAttack💕💝💗 added Sophia, Wyatt and 2 more

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Yoooo my fellow peoples! Welcome to this group chat of weirdernessess 😄 I am your host FinnTheFish and you are the contestants here is what you have to do,introduce yourselves and tell me about you unless you are Jack, Millie, Gaten, Lucy's or Will 😆

JackAttack💕💝💗- wtf Finn really?!? I have to give you effort for an entrance to this weird groupchat 😉

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Thank you my fellow young one 😉

Gaten - I am Gaten of you can't tell alright and I am not gay unlike Finn!

FinnTheFish🐢💓 rename Gaten to "nOtgAy"

nOtgAy- Really Finn?!?

FinnTheFish💕💝💗- What?!? I couldn't help it!

Jaeden- I am Jaeden and I am bi like Jack but my one and only is Wyeeeeett! 😊😊😊

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Jaeden to "TheBicycleOne"

TheBicycleOne- Really dude, really?

FinnTheFish🐢💓- be a good little boy and I will change your name

TheBicycleOne- Dude I am 16!

FinnTheFish🐢💓- And I am gay now next person!

Wyatt- I am Wyatt and I am Jaedens bf so I suggest you stay away from my man or you get it dude!

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Wyatt to "Bicyclesbf"

Byclesbf- Dude I do not appreciate you calling my bf a bicycle! He is not a bicycle 😡😡😡

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Next!

Millie- Obviously Finn knows me because we are besties but I would never want anything serious with him because he is just my friend and I am a lesbian anyway so ye! I am also 15 so yr that is me!

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Millie to "TheLessy"

TheLessy- Really Finn god I hate you but I can not argue right now because I have homework to complete! Nice to meet you people byeee

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Next person!

Sophia- I am Sophia and I am Jacks bfffffff til the end he is my rife or die but I am a lesbian so I wouldn't like him in a romance way heck no and plus he is your man FinnTheFish 😂

FinnTheFish renamed Sophie to "Enemy😡"

Enemy😡- Wow thx! (Sarcasm)

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Next!

Noah- Hey I am Finns best friend I feel lonely because I feel like everyonehere is either gay, bi or lesbian while I am straight 😂

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Noah to "StraightAsALine"

StraightAsALine- guess

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Yup np buddy...Next!

Lucas- The name is Lucas I am also straight but I am not as straight as Noah 😂

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Lucas to "BendyLine"

BendyLine- wtf dude wow...

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Next!

Ellie- I am Ellie Jacks ex but we are really good friends and I realised I am actually into girls not boys and god I wish I knew about that sooner!

FinnTheFish🐢💓 renamed Ellie to "bbscrazyex🔪"

bbscrazyex🔪- wtf what?!? I am not a crazy ex and Jack is your bb? 😉 cut if so I ship so hard!

FinnTheFish🐢💓- How hard? As hard as my dick? 😉

JackAttack💕💝💗- Really bb?

FinnTheFish🐢💓- You know you want it!

BendyLine- I got to go bye

Enemy😡- Same

bbscrazyex🔪- Same sorry!

Bicyclesbf- Yup same dude byeee!

nOtgAy- Same sorry byeee people!

TheBicycleOne- Yup same!

StraightAsALine- sorry dude but I have to go too bye people it was really nice meeting all of you lovely people even though it was us just introducing ourselves to this dick!

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Where is a dick?!?

StraightAsALine- Omg Finn! Anyways byeee!

JackAttack💕💝💗- I am so sorry bb but I also have to go I am sorry!

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Awww ok well bye babe 😘

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Hello? *faint echos in the distance* hello...hello...hello

FinnTheFish🐢💓- am I talking to Mt self?

FinnTheFish🐢💓- Gosh this is weird
I am going to go now!
Bye bye...bye...bye
I am weird 😉
I am actually going now so Bye bye...bye...bye 😝

Thanks for reading and getting this far! Ily guys 💖 I actually enjoyed this chapter even though it is a bit weird but wutever who cares...not me!

640 words 😂😂

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