Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"God my boyfriend is a boy magnet," he laughs, and I roll my eyes at his laughter. We stay in that position for several long moments, and I even close my eyes just to stay in this moment for even longer.

"We should get up. I need to make us breakfast, and I'm sure you need to give Julie a call," I eventually tell him. Blaine sighs, tightening his hold on me briefly before letting go. I practically groan as I get up off the bed, running a hand through my hair to push it away from my face. I grab my phone and head downstairs to the kitchen, giving Blaine privacy to talk to Julie as well as take a shower should he want to.

I quickly get started on breakfast, cooking for just the two of us because I have no clue where Finn is, nor do I know where my dad and Carole went off to. I dimly hear the shower start, and assume that Blaine is done talking with Julie and decided to take a quick shower. And I'm proven right when he walks down about ten minutes later, dressed in an old pair of my sweatpants and t-shirt from my cheerleading days and curls damp on his head. I smile when is see his curls, free from the gel it's always imprisoned in.

"Hey," I say, pulling the eggs off the stove and scraping half of them onto one plate, and the other half on another. I grab the silverware and smile at him.

"Hi," he grins, accepting the plate I hand him. We eat there in the kitchen on the island table.

"What time's your flight today?" I ask, curious how much time we actually are going to have together today. I know that he's going to be pretty busy these next couple weeks, getting back to work after his injury.

"I take off at six tonight. So I should probably get to the airport about five," he explains. I nod, mentally going over various things we could do today.

"Did you have any ideas what you wanted to do?" I ask him, curious what he was thinking. He smiles and grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes that I know all too well.

"No way, mister. I have no clue when my dad is coming home with Carole and the last thing I want him walking in on is us in my bed," I immediately say, although part of me definitely doesn't want to reject his idea. In fact, part of me is in complete agreement of his plan, but am serious about not wanting my dad to walk in on me and my boyfriend.

"Alright, party pooper. How about we hang out here, having a movie marathon? I just want to be with you today, no distractions," Blaine suggests. I smile graciously at his suggestion, and immediately agree.

So that's how we spend the rest of the day. Blaine grabs several movies from my collection and I grab pillows and blankets. We make ourselves comfortable on the living room floor and watch movies the entire day. My dad and Carole come home about noon, giggling like teenagers when I look at them pointedly, resisting the urge to make a disapproving glare. A bit hypocritical considering the events Blaine and I got up to last night after all.

But unfortunately, it got to be time that Blaine had to go to the airport. Dad immediately offers to drive us, but I turn him down, wanting to spend my last couple hours with Blaine alone. The drive from my house to the airport is over way too quickly, as it always is whenever I'm dropping him off. We stay in my car, kissing each other goodbye, knowing we won't be able to kiss each other for an unknown amount of time. At the very least, I have until my spring break in about a month when I'll be free. Blaine will probably be busy with creating another album, but he might be able to come visit.

"I can write songs anywhere, anyways," he told me.

I watch him retreat into the airport, the smile dropping from my face as I watch him walk away. The familiar ache in my heart begins, an ache that only goes away when he's there next to me. I sigh as I put the car back into drive, pulling out and driving back home.

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