The tale of the geek

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                                                               Proluge (from geek point of view)

Well this story starts like any other my dad and moms went on to a plane for their new show and were headed for New York but they never returned that means the plane crashed. I'm smart and we live with our god mom her name is Taylor she's very nice. I also have a twin and her name is Kelly mines is Nelly we get along very well. I suppose that I'm the geek and she's the chic. She tries to give me make overs and I hate them. But when I give her math quiz’s she acts like she doesn't care and how can she not care and still have A's. I'll tell you how she has people do it for her in people I mean me. We are  always are there for each other if I didn't say we are both 15 years old but what I don't get is how she's the pretty one but we have the same face. Our aunt taylor doesn't have kids she calls us her kids. I'm not ashamed because she's awesome. She loves us  and we love her but when she get mad watch out.                                                                      


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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