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10 C's between us
Does everybody have it ? No not everyone can build up the confidence to talk to someone it's hard have you ever wished you talked to someone but you just couldn't you were froze in your tracks it's hard
Andrews POV
What is she doing why is she so beautiful come one today is the day you talk to her "why don't u just say hello I'll go with you "Nathan says so I decided to walk up to her and talk to her was I over coming my best /worst dream ever I ended up with her number not realy knowing how
Emma's POV
Did he seriouly just walk up to me and ask me for my number oh my gosh the little nerdy cheep Harry Potter girl ( sorry Emma love you realy )just got her number askedd I'm so excited I wonder when he's going to text me acctuly I've just got a message
A:hi it's Andrew
E:oh hi Andrew it's Emma well you might allready know that sorry
A: don't be seriouly ur a realy nice person
E:ahhh ty <3
A:Fancy going out sometime to the mall or park or somthing ?
E:yess I would love that !
A:that's great I'll see you 11am tomorrow?
E:yep that's great
Andrews POV
Oh my I just asked her out well kinda I just asked her to go on a date well not realy well it could be have I over come my fear I have gained COURAGE and did I get some CONFIDENCE...

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