Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack

Start from the beginning

-Each skull is further and further away meaning that the girl will have to lean over and stretch outwards even more to retrieve them.

-The rope that the male partner is holding onto determines how far she can go.

-If she needs to reach out a little more, the male partner has to let go of the rope to give her more length.

-If he ends up letting go too much, she will fall off the platform but the safety harness will keep her up in the air dangling.

-If the girl falls, the team is automatically disqualified.

-The teams to get the 5 skulls win.

-If no team gets all the skulls then the team to retrieve the most skulls in the shortest time wins.

-The first 3 teams to fall into the water will automatically be sent into the Chamber.

-If no team falls into the water the teams that took the longest to retrieve their skulls will be sent in.

VC-Nikki- Nope, not doing it. Sorry, this bitch doesnt like heights.

VC-Charlotte- Lets get this over with.

VC-Xavier- I literally want to crap my pants.

"Okay guys, this challenge will be played in male and female pairs. Girls, we're going to let you choose your guys. Nikki, lets start with you."

"John!" she instantly said.

Brie raised her eyebrows and pouted her lips. She didnt know if she was going to end up picking him anyway. He had still been ignoring her. Just like Hunter said for Eliminations, he had been giving her the cold shoulder.


"Randy." she said. Dean was a bit shocked but he just nodded.

VC-Dean- I was hoping she would pick me but....whatever. Maybe she didn't see me.

VC-Renee- If I had choosen Dean as my partner, im 100% positive he would have let me fallen of that thing. Im not dying today.



VC-Brie- I knew John doesnt like Roman so I picked him to piss him off. What would be even better is if we win.



Alexa's jaw dropped.

VC-Alexa- Like bitch.....what?

"You're freaking kidding me." Alexa muttered and turned away.

VC-Charlotte- I knew exactly why I picked AJ

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VC-Charlotte- I knew exactly why I picked AJ. I hope these bitches understand that I bite back. Im planning my revenge so I absolutely must win today. They wont know what hit them.

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