Chapter 2

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Mark was lost for words.

He was just mesmerized by Felix, he had never seen a boy that looked so perfect. Mark quickly panicked when he realized he was just creepily staring at Felix.

"I-It's nicet to meet you too," Mark said trying to hide his stutter. "I'm Mark Tracey."

Mark grabbed Felix's hand and shakes it.

'His hand is so soft...' Mark thought. 'Stop it. Don't think like that!'

"Come on, I'll show you around the school." Mark said heading towards the door.

The two teens started to walk around the school, Mark showed Felix all the rooms. Mark looked over at Felix, the blonde teen had a huge smile on his face as he looked around him. Mark felt so warm inside looking at Felix, it was like looking at a beautiful bright rose. Felix looked over at Mark, causing Mark to panic again.

"This school is so big for a small town." Felix exclaimed. "My old school was a bit bigger then this though."

"Where did you live before you moved?" Mark asked trying to calm himself down.

"I lived in the city," Felix explained.

"That sounds pretty cool," Mark said. "I always wanted to live in the city."

"It was okay," Felix whispered. "but I'm glad I left."

Mark saw the pain in Felix's eyes, it made him feel bad for asking.

"So... You have you schedule, mind if I see it." Mark asked wanting to change the subject.

Felix went through his papers, until he found his schedule. The blonde handed the paper to the raven haired teen. Mark's eyes scanned the paper, then looked at Felix.

"You have the first five periods with me and the same lunch," Mark commented. "My friend, Christian has the last three periods with you, so he can help you find those classes."

"Oh okay." Felix simply said.

The two boys talked for awhile, until the bell rang and the halls started to fill with students. Mark told Felix to followed him and the two of them head upstairs to their second class of the day, which was Chemistry. Mark and Felix walked in the room, their was a few people already and the teacher was standing by her desk.

"You can go over and talk to Mrs. Sanders. She'll tell you where to sit and will tell you some other stuff."

Felix nodded and headed over to the teacher's desk. Mark made his way to his seat, placing his bag on the floor and sitting down. Mark looked over at Felix, his heart was racing again.

'Mark, stop! You shouldn't feel this way,' He thought to himself. 'you don't even know anything about this kid. He maybe cute but he could be a complete asshole.'

Mark covered his face with his hands and groaned.

'Not again, not after last time...'

Mark suddenly heard the seat next to him move, he looked next to him and saw Felix sitting down next him. Mark was a little surprised at first, but since the only empty seats were in the back where he sat, it wasn't really shocking Felix was sitting next to him.

"You're the new kid, right?"

Mark knew that voice, he quickly looked over at Felix and saw his ex-girlfriend, Harley, standing in front of Felix's desk.

"Yeah, I'm Felix." The blonde said with a big smile on his face.

Harley looked over at Mark, giving him a dirty look and then turned back to Felix.

"I'm Harley," She started. "and just some advice, I'd stay away from this idiot over here, if you know what's good for you."

And with that, she walked to her seat leaving Felix completely confused.

"Um.. what was that about?" Felix asked turning to look at Mark.

"Don't worry about her," Mark rolled his eyes. "Harley and I dated 6 months ago and she is still mad at me for ending it."

"Oh, why did you break up, if you don't mind me asking."

"I... um.. realized I didn't love her that way." Mark lied.

Well his words weren't completely a lie, Mark made himself think he was in love with her, but when ever they held hands or kissed or stuff like that, he felt super uncomfortable. Add the guilt of using a girl who really liked him and he just couldn't take it anymore. When Mark told Harley that he just wanted to be friends, she completely lost it and ever since then she has ignored him and talked shit about him any chance she got.

"I see," Felix said. "well at least you told her the truth. I think that's better then keeping that secret from her. So don't beat yourself up about it."

Mark sighed. He was right, he shouldn't worry to much about what happened. Everyone makes mistakes.

"Getting away from all the negativity," Felix started. "Let's get to know each other better."

"Um... okay," Mark said. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, let's start with your favorite things to do."

"I like playing video games mostly, but I also like reading books and drawing." Mark told Felix.

"That's cool, I like playing video games with my younger sister. She's not good at it, but it makes her happy so I just deal with the non-stop game overs." Felix joked.

"You have a sister, how old is she?" Mark asked.

"She's 8 years old, she super crazy and full of so much energy. I'm surprised my mom can handle taking care of the both of us."

Mark thought about what Felix said and he had a question, he wasn't sure if he should ask.

'Fuck it.' Mark thought before asking, "What about your dad?"

Felix smile quickly went away, making Mark feel like a big dick.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer that! That was so rude of me." Mark panicked.

"No, it's okay. If we're going to be friends, I should tell you." Felix said looking down at his hands. "My dad died in a car crash two years ago."

Mark felt his heart break, he knew it was hard for Felix to tell him that.

"I'm sorry," Mark whispered.

"Don't worry, it's better to talk about it then keep it all bottled up."

"Since you trusted me to tell me something like that," Mark paused trying not to cry. "My mother died of cancer when I was in 8th grade."

Mark closed his eyes, trying to control his feelings. It always hurts to talk about his mother. It's been years since her death, but it still feels like it happened yesterday. Mark suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he open his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," Felix said. "I'm sorry you had to lose your mother to something as horrible as cancer."

Mark couldn't help but smile because of Felix's words.

"Ha.. so much for getting away from all the negativity..." Mark chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Felix couldn't help but smile as he let out a small laugh at Mark's comment. It wasn't long before the bell rang and class started. As the class went on, the two boys talked and got to know each other better, they surprisingly have a lot in common. For the second time today, Mark felt so warm inside. Like there was a spark of hope, under all his worries.

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