Love You To The Eternity

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Tasha's POV

" What is this!!!" I almost cried.

" A rainbow gown." Ellie said mischievously.

" A rainbow gown!!!!" I was shocked. Will I wear rainbow gown in my wedding!!! No way.

" Ellie!!!" I squealed.

" Yes, go get ready." She gave me the dress.

" Bella!!! What's this?" I asked.

" Your wedding dress." Bella said.

" Who bought this?!" I shouted.

" Edwin." Natalie smirked.

" Edwin!!!" I shouted. I almost ran out to kill Edwin.

" Let's see your shoes first." Naomi said." Stella, bring the shoes."

" Here, here." Stella gave me a white box. I looked at her weirdly.

" Open it, why are you staring at it?" She said.

" God knows which kind of idiotic shoes he has bought for me now." I said.

" No, no, shoes must be beautiful." Natasha said.

I nodded and opened the box. My eyes widened again seeing the shoes. A pair of glittering silver shoes. Can you believe that? Silver shoes with rainbow gown on wedding!!! I will look like a joker. Edwin Stewart!!! I will kill you.

" Where is Edwin?" I gritted.

" I don't know maybe in hotel suite." Tracy said.

" I will kill him. Does he wants a beautiful bride or a joker?" I asked.

" He wants a you." Ellie said.

" It doesn't matter what you wear." Stella said.

Suddenly, I realized I overreacted. It really doesn't matter what I wear. It only matters that I am going to be married with the love of my life. There is nothing more important than that. I don't need to look like  Marilyn Monroe. All I need is him. And I don't care if I wear a rainbow gown and a pair of silver shoes in my wedding. I don't care. Really don't care. I don't care if everyone thinks I am a mad. Do I need to? I don't think so.

" Ok, give it to me. It really doesn't matter, the most important thing is I am going to marry Edwin. It doesn't matter if I wear a rainbow gown and silver shoes. He will remain mine anyway." I said. Suddenly all the faces lit up and they clapped for me. I was confused. Why are they are clapping?!!

" Told you guys, she pass this test easily." Bella said.

" Which test?" I asked.

" Well, we tried to get it how deep is your love and you passed." Naomi said and I glared at them.

" This all was a drama?" I asked.

" Apparently yes." Bella said.

" You guys are unbelievable. How can you do this to me?! I hate you all." I said.

" Now, don't get mad. Come on." Ellie said and hugged me from back.

" I hate you all." I said.

" No, you love us." They said unison.

" Urrrghh... Where is my wedding dress? The real one." I asked.

" Here." Bella gave me a beautiful box.

" Go, change. We will be let otherwise." Stella said and I wore it then came out. I saw every jaw was hitting the ground. What happened!!! Do I look odd!! I looked at myself in the mirror.

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