Chapter 2

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"Gaten, Millie you guys go and sit over by Finn..."
I sigh, we haven't got much time and we have to choose a new cast mate soon. I can't help but wonder if we'll ever find anyone at all. Also, what's for lunch?...
I snap back to reality and the Duffer Brothers are looking at me.
"What did you think of her?"
"Err, she's great" I give them what I hope was a confidant smile.
I slouch back in my chair, bouncing my leg. We have to find someone soon, right? I glance across at Millie who looks just as tired and bored as I do, tapping her pen on her notepad. She looks up and pulls a face, I splutter and stifle a laugh that makes Ross look across at me. Oops.
"Okay, we're going to take a break, be back in half hour"
I stand up and jog over to the rest of the group "That wasn't fair Millie!"
"It was hilarious" She imitates me and we all fall about laughing. Wait, where's Gaten?
"Guys! I really did find the chocolate pudding!"
He comes over with a bowl of the chocolate goodness that we all love.
"So what were guys talking about?"
"I was going to ask if anyone knew if Matt and Ross had chosen someone to cast yet". I look at each of them
"No clue, sorry"
Millie shrugs her shoulders
Great. No one knows who she is.
"Hey" Millie snaps me out of my thoughts. Again.
"Are you guys free after we've finished? You can all come over mine, but Noah please don't get stuck in the chair again!"
"You have to promise not to live stream it again!"
They all giggle, but I've just realised I zoned out again.
"I think I'll join you later, I need to go for a walk" I see the concern fill there faces, "I'm okay! I just have to stretch my legs, they're cramping from sitting down for so long and I'm not the shortest person, am I?" I force a laugh and turn to walk off. That's when I hear the light patter of footsteps.

I don't know what is wrong with Finn, he seems off but I don't want to force him to talk to anyone, maybe he needs some space to clear his head.
"What's wrong with Finn?" Sadie glances back, I think she's worried too
"Yeah, he's not himself is he? Do you think he's panicking about anything? Or maybe he's just tired" Gaten adds to Sadies comment
"I think he's stressed, I know I am" I massage my temples, I have an awful headache.
"Maybe we should go and talk to him?" Sadie is still looking down the path that Finn went as if hoping he was just hiding.
"I'm not so sure" I contemplate, if I'm having a bad day, I want to be left alone.
Gaten continues to try and persuade me
"Yeah but what if he WANTS someone to go look for him? What he wants to talk, but doesn't know how to put it across?"
Hmmm, I chew on the corner of my nail
"I'll go" he is my best friend after all.

I run down the path before I see a bob of dark hair, I creep closer before he spins round sharply and startles me
"Sorry. Can I help you?"
"Are you okay? You seem...stressed or panicky. I'm getting a vibe of both"
I take a seat on the bench that was nearby
"What? I'm not stressed or panicky"
"'re pacing" I point out before he stops in his tracks and sits on the bench next to me.
"I'm okay"
Come on Finn, don't be stubborn
"Finn...friends don't lie" he starts to laugh as I give him my 'eleven stare'
"Okay, okay!" He composes himself "I just want it find the right person, you know? Like maybe I'm worried about it not going right? I don't know! Millie! Stop giving me that look!"
"Hey I can't help it! Eleven and I are basically the same person" I say jokily
"Let's hope you don't have telekinesis, let's leave that with El okay?"
He seems better, more relaxed now, I think Gaten was right, he needed to talk but to only one person and not to a group.
"Thank you, Mills"
I smile "no problem Finnigan, what are friends for?"
We continue to walk down the path before Finn looks up, confused.
"Did Noah actually get stuck IN a chair?"

~word count 766~
i hope this chapter was a little better. i love finn and millies friendship and I wanted to show it in my book, they're adorable 😭 hope you're enjoying it so far!
over and out,

lovestruck {F.W}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon