"What's all this?" Madame Pomfrey demanded, as she burst out of her suite adjacent the Hospital. She took one look at Freddie, however, and immediately fell to work.


"It's not a bite," she confirmed, "No teeth marks."


"How could it be?" Lee persisted, "He fell down?"


"Because you were caught sneaking out to see Teddy!" Madame Pomfrey accused them, "The mud all over the floor's a dead giveaway! Besides, magical children usually escape injury from simple accidents, remember? It's one of the first signs of magic!" She then finished her scan of Freddie's arm. "Compound fractures of the ulna and radius," she confirmed, "But no arterial damage? Why's he bleeding so much?"


"I couldn't get it to slow, either," Malfoy agreed.


"He did fall down!" Lee repeated, as Freddie nodded. It was all he could do. He screamed again as Madame Pomfrey cast a bone-setting Charm - which didn't work.


"I don't like this at all," she muttered, "Intense pain, easily breaking bones, and all this bleeding," she explained. "Mr. Malfoy! Check his finger where that owl bit him!" She added.


As Madame Pomfrey tried to get the bleeding under control, Malfoy examined Nightwing's bite on Freddie's bandaged finger.


"Not healed!" he observed, "And it's infected!"


"We're going to have to do this the hard way," Madame Pomfrey decided, as she grabbed up a small vial and got a few drops into Freddie's mouth. Freddie lost consciousness at once. "Help me," she told Malfoy, as the two of them manually set Freddie's bones. The boys backed off, cringing and pulling faces when Madame Pomfrey had to resort to Muggle-style stitches to close the wounds when magic failed to respond.


By the time they'd gotten Freddie stabilized, Madame Pomfrey was looking very worried.


"Skele-Grow?" Malfoy asked.


"No, if this is what I think is, it'll just make things worse," the Mediwitch fretted. She then turned to the boys. "You claim you were sneaking out, to the kitchens?"


"Everyone d-does it," Ciaran replied.


"Even Hermione," Malfoy agreed, rolling his eyes.


"Has Freddie been eating more, and thirsty all the time?" She demanded.


"He had to go to the toilet three times during double Potions," Malfoy confirmed. "And he's always getting up and getting a drink. For a moment there, I was afraid he was going to drink the Shrinking Solution. Very annoying!"


"He does drink a lot," Lee agreed.


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