"Hey, no one told me I could bring my dog!" Another smaller boy with a hard face piped up.

Teddy slipped up and his hair turned white, then green as his stomach began talking to him again.

"Hey, I know you!" the burly boy sneered at him, "You're that Lupin-kid! The freaky little spoiled-brat-shape-shifter!"

It made Teddy angry, being called names, and his hair turned black. What had he done to any of them, as he watched them all laughing and pointing, to make them dislike him so? And why was it, all of a sudden, everyone new that he met either just didn't like him or wanted to hurt him? Teddy didn't understand it, not being used to it at all, and it hurt inside.

But Teddy swallowed it. Argos growled at them, but did not lunge. He seemed to be waiting.

"Get used to it," Freddie rolled his eyes.

"What's with the red shirt?!" Another spoke up, "Must be a Gryffindor-gonna-be!" They all laughed at that, and Teddy and Freddie - already well versed in Slytherin mannerisms by their families - just rolled their eyes.

"Pity," Freddie said, taking the offensive.

"What, that no one let you sit with them?" the burly boy scoffed, "Don't surprise me! Who'd wanna sit with you funny-colored freaks?"

"And you would be?" Teddy asked, in one last effort to be nice.

"Gregory Goyle, Jr.," the burly boy introduced himself. "These are my buddies: Moon, Parkinson, and Flint. We're ALL purebloods, by the way," Goyle threw in, appraising the two boys again, "Just what the hell are you two?"

"Yeah, what'r you s'pozed to be, with that hair?" Flint asked, revealing a terrible overbite and large teeth.

"Well he's not an American beaver," Freddie laughed; he couldn't help it.

Goyle grabbed him the shirtfront and lifted him off the floor. "Think Flint's teeth'r funny?" He demanded, "Do you, you little...little...weasel?"

"He is a weasel -, a Weasel-eee," Flint spoke up. "Only good thing about them is their joke shop! That's George's kid. Now I recognize him!"

Goyle dropped Freddie, and Teddy felt something rising within him. Instincts began screaming at him to protect Freddie - his pack - and Teddy felt the Fire-Wolf wand begin to tingle from its hiding place up his left sleeve.

"Like your dads would know, since my dad banned them all!" Freddie retorted. Argos growled again. Teddy's hair turned yellow, then black again, as he began to feel his control slipping.

"'Lupin', was it?" Moon spoke up. "The little celebrity of Hogsmeade? My gran told me about you!"

Teddy then remembered something from when he'd been younger. He laughed; he couldn't help it. It was the one time that his grandmother Andromeda had run afoul of the law, and it had been for assault and battery upon ...

"My gran kicked your gran's arse at the Society for Distressed Witches meeting!" Teddy then piped up, surprisingly unable to stop laughing.

"You better watch it, rainbow-boy," Moon threatened him, "And your gran too!"

About then, the door slid open again. "Maybe they're in here?" Lee asked Ciaran, as they both saw what was going on and froze.

"Wha's goin' on?" Ciaran asked, as Goyle and the others turned on him.

"He's bald!" Goyle laughed.

"Yeah, so? An' you're ugly!" Ciaran retorted.

Goyle then punched Ciaran on the nose, breaking his glasses. Blood flew.

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