We arrived at my dorm room and when I opened the door I was right. Emily wasn't here and most likely in class or with the new boy she's been seeing. When he entered I shut the door and locked it behind us and that's when I saw the two empty bottles of jack on my bed and felt embarrassed again.

"I see you like Jack Daniels." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Only when I'm distressed." I said grabbing the two bottles and throwing them away. I sat back on the bed and patted the spot next to me. "Sit with me, we can watch a movie." I said watching him shift back and forth on his feet.

"Well okay..." He said crawling over the bed and sitting next to me against the headboard. "What movie?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Not sure, probably Silent Hill." I said smiling at him and putting it on.

"I've seen it before though?" He said looking at me.

"So have I, how about we talk about each other instead." I said putting it on low volume and facing him.

"What do you wanna know?" He said looking at me.

"Anything really." I said with a huge smile.

"Well I have a sister who is my best friend, and as you know I may be a little bit of a nerd. I love school and studying and you wouldn't believe what I looked like in high school." He said making me nod my head for him to continue. "Let's just say I had the braces, suspenders and baggy unfitting clothes. No one liked me at all, hell you're my first girlfriend." He said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, well I wasn't any better." I said holding his hand. "I was a complete trouble maker. Hell I partied more than I attended school. Meeting and dating Jett for four years is what made wanna be like him and for a while we were a power couple that everyone loved together. Everyone thought we would get married and thinking about it, it was funny." I said closing my eyes and sighing.

"You said he cheated on you?" He said rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb making me smile.

"Yeah he did, fucked up part is it was my birthday and I wanted to surprise him with my virginity but when I walked into his room he was already having sex with some slut that was part of the popular crowd. When he saw me standing there he was shocked but completely ignored me. That's when I broke up with him and then we graduated and I moved here. I wanted to start fresh and not go towards that life again." I said opening my eyes and seeing Alex stare at me with this intense look.

"You're a virgin?" He asked shocked. I put my hand that wasn't holding his over my heart in fake hurt.

"Yes I'm a virgin! Why wouldn't I be?" I said shrugging my shoulders. He looked shocked still. "Just because I dated him for four years doesn't entitle him to taking my virginity, I mean sure I was gonna let him that day but when I saw him in bed with another girl it broke my heart and I just didn't see a purpose in trying to lose it after high school. Honestly I forgot about it." I said laughing slightly embarrassed.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I'm one too. Like I said I never had a girlfriend before." He said kissing the back of my hand.

"If you never had a girlfriend, how are you so experienced?" I asked pointing to his lips.

"Well it's a bit embarrassing but I practiced with my pillow." He said making me laugh so hard I was clutching my stomach. "Stop laughing!" He said with a slight smile.

"I would but cmon that's so funny. It just makes you cuter!" I said laughing and wiping my eyes from the tears.

"Stop laughing or I'll make you." He said with a challenging look in his eyes. I laughed harder and only imagined him kissing a pillow. That's when I felt a slap on my butt making me sober up quickly and look at him shocked.

"Did you just-" I started to say when he interrupted me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know what over came me." He said quickly making me look at him with a tilted smile. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned making me like it even more.

"So the innocent nerdy boy is kinky?" I said crawling over to him and sitting on his lap. "I like kinky." I said running my fingers up and down his arm.

"You're innocent to." He said gulping.

"Yeah but I've done foreplay before." I said bringing his hand up to my lips and kissed each of his fingers. He looked at me with lust filled in his eyes making me more brave to suck on his thumb.

"Stop it Elena, I mean it." He said with shut eyes. I sucked on his thumb still and heard him groan slightly before rubbing his bottom half into me.

"What will you do?" I asked batting my eyelashes when he opened his eyes.

Bad Girl Gone Good? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now