"It is." I answered.

He sighed again and nodded.

"All right...." He started walking towards my door.

"Philip? Before you leave can you do me a favor?" I asked.

He turned towards me.

"Kai needs clothes. He wears the same size as you." I said.

He nodded.


And walked out of my room, closing the door. I plopped on my bed and sighed as Kai did the same.

"Wow your brother is protective." He whispered.

I sighed.

"I know."

I looked towards the window and noticed the sun was going down. I smiled and walked out onto my roof.

"Why are you going out there?" Kai asked.

I smiled and motioned for him to follow. He did and we sat on my roof together watching the sun set.

"So.....when do you have to go meet that prince?" Kai asked.

I was about to answer when there was the sound of bells ringing downstairs as if on cue.

"Now." I whispered.

e sighed and I entered my room.

"I'll be back in like....twenty minutes." I promised and ran from my room.

I was still wearing jeans and a T-shirt but didn't really care. Before I could go into the library where I knew he was waiting I was whisked from the hallway.

"What on earth are you wearing young lady?" Jackie, Philip's girlfriend asked.

I sighed.

"Clothes." I answered.

She tsked.

"You're changing. Now." She said.

I shook my head and she smiled as she pulled a dress from behind her.

"This is what your wearing! Now put it on." She ordered.

I sighed and didn't even look at the dress, slipping it on quickly. When it was on, I realized just how.....different I looked. The dress was white and went all the way down to the floor. Tight around the chest, showing off some cleavage and to make the dress a little more....revealing; it hung off my shoulders. She grabbed a pin and pinned the front part of my hair back so my face was actually visible and she smiled.

"Perfect. Now go out there and get you a prince!" She said.

I sighed and walked towards the library. See the only time Jackie was ever nice to me was when she was prepping me for a date with a prince. Most of the dresses she's gotten me though we're completely ridiculous but this one....I liked. A lot. I sighed as I entered the library and saw Duke sitting there. He stood up and bowed while I curtsied.

"Good evening Miss Maverly. How have you been lately?" Duke asked as we sat down at a table.

I noticed as he talked that his blonde hair had been cut and he had a wild gleam in his brown eyes.

"I've been fine thank you. And you?" I asked nicely.

He smiled and a chill ran up my spine. I hate his smile. It's so creepy.....

"I'm wonderful now that your here." He said and I felt his hand slip to my knee.

I froze where I was. When can this be over, when can this be over, when?!? I swallowed hard and thought about how much I'd rather be with Kai then Duke right now. Why does it feel like I haven't seen him in forever when it was just moments ago that I saw him? I sighed.

"Get your hand off of my knee." I commanded.

His hand lingered there for a second and he pulled away.

"Yes your majesty." He whispered, staring straight into my eyes.

I squirmed in my chair. This was going to be a long night.

Kai's POV~

After Tea left I started pacing her room. As soon as she told me she had to go meet a guy who wouldn't keep his hands off of her, I've been so worried and restless. I was dreading when she had to leave and when the time finally came, I almost begged her not to go. But she had to. And here I am now. She's already been gone for twenty minutes and I'm now super worried and pacing a hole in her floor. I sighed and decided to go take a shower. As I stood under the water, letting it fall on my back, I thought about her. Zin was right when he said I had a thing for her. I was starting to get major feelings for this girl and I've only been here what? Three days? I sighed and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist when a wonderful aroma hit my nose. Lavender and chocolate. I could feel my wolf going crazy with want and need and lust but I controlled him. Ever since we got here he's been going crazy wanting.....her. But I've controlled myself. I opened the bathroom door a crack and saw it was completely dark in her room. When my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw a small figure standing in front of the window and couldn't help but stare. Galatea looked......drop dead gorgeous...I continued to stare at her back as my feet began to move me, silently towards her....

Tea's POV~

I looked at the clock on the wall. It's been thirty minutes since I left my room. Since I left Kai. It feels like an eternity. I glanced at prince Duke as he talked about something that didn't matter. See after I told him to remove his hand, he hasn't touched me wrong since. Hopefully it'll stay like that...

"Galatea? Are you listening to me?"

I looked at him.

"W-what?" I asked.

He frowned.

"Nothing. Wanna play a game?" He asked.

I stared at him for a moment before standing up abruptly.

"Um, no I uh, can't."

He looked at me.

"Why not?" He asked.

I started to back up towards the door.

"Well uh....I always lose." I said lamely.

Wow that was my lame excuse? I wanted to bang my head against a wall. He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I'll let you win this game." He said huskily.

I shook my head.

"N-no um....I have to go." I stuttered as I inched closer to the door.

Almost there! Only two more steps!

"What? Why?" He asked.

I walked out the door without answering him and ran past Jackie and Philip, up the stairs and into my room. I locked the door and looked around. My room was dark now and the only light was coming from the bathroom where I could hear the shower running. I could sense Kai's presence and immediately felt relieved that he was here. I sighed and walked over to the window and looked out it. The moon was full and made the snow sparkle from its bright rays. The faint sound of wolves howling made a shiver run up my spine and I thought about Kai. Suddenly a wonderful smell hit my nose and a warmth hit my back like a wall. I heard the footsteps walk closer and my heart started beating faster. I could hear Kai's breath quicken as he got closer to my back but I didn't turn around, didn't move. I froze when I felt his hands touch my arms and slide down to my hands. I could feel his bare chest against my back now and tilted my head to the right. I could feel his breath, blowing across my neck and shoulder, warm and sending a slight tingling sensation throughout my body. I closed my eyes and then I felt his lips press against my shoulder gently, my eyes popping open. My body was now thrumming with the need to get closer to him...the need to be with him....the need for him. I slowly turned around and looked up into his eyes. The moon's light showed me that his eyes were changing colors. I wonder what that means exactly..? He moved his hands so they were cupping my face and he stared into my eyes with some unknown and foreign emotion in them. I stared back.

"Kai." I whispered.

He continued to stare at me.

"Kiss me." I whispered.

He stared at me for a moment longer and then pressed his lips to mine.

Uncaged Wolf; Untamed WitchWhere stories live. Discover now