Tuesday 4th September

21 1 0

Dear Fred,

I am writing this very quickly because I have to go to st Mungo's with Freddie (don't worry it's nothing serious). Freddie got really angry earlier because he couldn't have Doughnuts for dinner and his hair was changing colours really fast and we thought we should take him to the hospital.

He's probably fine though, I just owled bill, Ginny, Perce, Ron and Charlie about this too. Freddie sort of reminds me of Tonks, he hasn't changed his appearance yet. Teddy sometimes comes round and Freddie likes to show of to him.

Oh and one last thing, Roxy's got sorted into gryffindor (I would have disowned her if she was in Slytherin) and she got on the quidditch team, I bet she could be the best chaser gryffindor has ever seen, she's also the reserve beater!

Your brother George O:-)

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