It was deadly silent. No movements. No sounds. Nothing. It was like everything was frozen. A swear from Takashi and a yelp of happiness from Kaito.

"We must move... Now!" Akira knew what the appearance of the third sword meant. Their King was joining the others and knowing Umeko.... Things are about to turn around for them - that she has seen the Colourless King again and she has had enough.

"Wh-what!? You don't command me!" Yata yelled and stepped forward. He started to yell something but was interrupted by Ryou who was bouncing on his place looking nervous.

"You saw and heard the message of the Silver King and now it seems things have escalated..." Kuroh states. Awashima looks at the Purple clansmen and saw how anxious they were.

"Why are you nervous?" she asks from the Infinity. They turn towards her in unison.

"She hasn't had a -erm... proper? release of power for about- uhhh... forever and now it-" Natsuko tries to explain. Seri widens her eyes.

"You m-mean..." the lieutenant finally puts the pieces together. Ryou chuckles and steps forward, face full of mischief.

"It's like opening a bottle of lemonade after shaking it for a while!!" the redhead tells them and shakes his hands around. The blonde Blue clansman turns towards her fellow clansmen.

"Scepter 4! Prepare to leave the island immediately!" The Scepter 4 starts retreating picking up their companions who were hurt. Kamamoto walks closer to the Infinity.

"So you mean the whole place might-"

"KABOOOM!" Ryou yells when he makes a small explosion with his Purple aura. This makes Kamamoto flinch. Hideki jumps suddenly making others look at him. He stills like his listening something then turns towards his friends.

"King wants us to leave too..." he tells the Purple clansmen next to him. All look towards the swords and see that the purple energy ball was now a beautiful sword. The Red clan nod towards the Purple clan and start leaving with some protesting others wanting to get away as soon as possible.

Soon they all are standing away from the island. Scepter 4 are on the bridge, HOMRA are on the shore next to the bridge and the Infinity is standing on the bridge's arch.

What the Infinity didn't know was that Hideki told them only a piece of the whole conversation between him and Umeko.

Umeko's pov (before)

I step forward and make my aura flare up. Looking up I see a ball of purple aura ready to manifest a sword - my sword of Damocles. I see the Kings stare at each other, unaware of the sight above them. I feel like third wheel right now..... BUT this will be exciting battle... so no regrets. I unlock my core more, emitting more power making the purple ball of energy crackle.

Both Kings break away from their gazing and look up. Reisi steps back and mumbles a silently. I don't hear what he said but I hear Mikoto clear as day.

"Oh fuck..."

"I don't think I'm labeled as that.." I trail of in monotone voice. They snap out of their new daze and start searching the area for me. I'm still invisible so it was pointless.

"Show yourself!" the Red King harshly says and I step back into shadows then make myself visible. This brings their eyes at me.

"Step forward!" the redhead commands and I tilt my head.

"When did you become so commanding, Mikoto Suoh?" He steps back at my question.

"How do you- You don't know me..." he glares at me and I see Reisi shake his head at his "friend". I enter Mikoto's mind.

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