"I am. Your lucky to have Jack and he's luck to have you. We all are lucky to have you in our lives, Aria, Carina and Barbossa included." Henry squeezed her hand in a comforting matter.

A thought struck Aria causing her to stop walking as she realized something. "My family." She paused and looked at Henry seriously. "I just realized. You all are my family. Not by blood but by choice." A smile formed on her lips.

"You're right." Henry titled his head to look at her.

"Chosen family." The red head looked up a him, smiling from ear to ear.

"So turns out you've had a family all along." Henry let go of her hand to lock arms with her. As they continued to walk, Aria snuggled into his side, wrapping a hand around his biceps. Leaning down, she rested her head on his shoulder. Henry leaned down a kissed the top of her head.

"My family." Aria breathed out. "My life is beginning to change."

"Next thing you know Jack will be married and you'll have a mom." Henry said.

"Oh god." Aria laughed. "That will never happen. Jack likes to live in the moment and drink as he pleases."

Henry laughed, nodded in agreement. "Have you thought about where you want to travel next?" He asked casually.

"I think I'm going to take a page out of Jack's book. Live in the moment and see where fate takes me." Aria lifted her head up to look back at him.

"Sounds good." Henry smiled.

The two stopped walking in front of the little vessel. They stared at it for a minute, frozen into place. Exchanging glances, they pulled apart from each other and moved closer towards the boat. They each grabbed an end, lifted it, and started carrying it to the water. Placing it down, they picked up the oars and stuck them in the their rightful places

Panting, Aria looked at Henry. "I guess this is it?" She swallowed, chest still heavy a bit.

"Aria." Henry opened his jacket and reached inside. "I have something for you, I found it this morning." He pulled out his hand that was clenched around a brown leather journal. "I thought you would like this." He held it now in both hands, looking down at it shyly. Aria studied his face as he continued to speak. "I had many journals when I was younger full of information that I thought would help break my fathers curse. This one the only journal I could find that didn't have anything written in it." He shook the journal a tad. Lifting his head up, his brown eyes flickered from the journal to her green eyes. "I want you to have it." Extending his arm to her, he handed her the journal. The speechless red head too it and looked down at it. Her hair falling in front of her face. "That way you can take a part of me with you and when you write in it...it will almost be like you're telling your stories me." He reached out to tuck the hair behind her ear. His hand trailing down her jawline to cup her face.

Aria closed her eyes and placed a hand in his, pressing her lips on his palm. She pulled away and placed the book in the vessel. Turning around, she jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Henry stumbled a bit but steadied his feet. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. Picking her up, he buried his face in her neck to take in her scent one last time for a while.

"I love it." She whispered to him. "Thank you, I'll be sure to write in it every chance I can."

Henry didn't say anything but gave a sigh he seemed to be holding in. Placing her down, he slowly pulled away from her. Looking down at her, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek then pulled away. Turning around, he started walking back to his house.

Together (Henry Turner)Where stories live. Discover now