🍁•ten - dad ❤•🍁

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"I haven't showered yet, wait for me." he said as I nod my head, telling him that I'll wait for him in the hallway. Sitting in the middle of the hall, I took my phone out just to receive tons of text from Amy, telling me on how we've gotten a new event to do, and she doesn't know what to do.

e-mail it to me, I'll give you the design.

yay, thanks! - Amy.

Smiling to myself, I heard as Edward came out of his room a few minutes after. Pulling me up, we went towards the living room, where Kate was at. "Can I see dad?" I asked. "Sure." she smiled as she got up. Walking towards his room, Kate hold us outside.

Waiting, Edward held my hand, trying to keep it warm. As Kate left the room, she smiled. "He just wants to see Chloe now." she said as I looked over to Edward. "I'll be here." Edward assured as I nod my head, walking in.

Looking down, I felt a million weight on my shoulders. I didn't want to look at him, not yet. I felt very nervous, seeing the person who I once called dad but then left me as I was growing up. As much as someone needs their mum, they also need their dad. I don't think my father understood that, though.

I believe he didn't know that.

I believe he doesn't know how much he means to me.

"Chloe." he called as I finally looked up. Looking at him, I made a soft smile. "Hi dad." I said, sitting on the chair in front of him. Looking at him, it's as if he didn't age - he looked exactly the same way he did when I last saw him, the only thing was he looked pale. He's ill, I told myself. Holding his hand, I smiled.

"You grew well, love." he said, smiling softly.

I felt my heart ache just as he said that. "You did too." I laughed, looking at him."How are you doing?" I asked, noticing him trying to get up. I helped him sit up as he looked at me.

"Well, I'm dying." he laughed, though it worried me. It's as if he wasn't scared of dying.

I didn't know what to say - there tons of thoughts in my head but nothing left my lips. Looking down, he sighed. "You looked just like your mum." he said. "Very beautiful." he complimented. Chuckling, I smiled. "Thanks dad." I said.

"You met Kate?"

"Yeah.., she's nice." I said as he smiled. "She is."

Clearing his throat, he held my hand tighter. "Forgive me, Chloe." he said. "Please forgive me for ruining a big part of your life when you were growing up. I killed your childhood, I know." he continued as I assured him that it was alright. "Do you know where mum is?" I asked.

"I haven't seen her since I graduated, nor have spoke to her and I just.., miss her." I confessed as he nod. "She's in Georgia, I think. With her new husband and new child." he said as I nod my head. "She's happier there, Chloe." he told though I still have the need to see her. Who wouldn't miss their own mum, anyways?

Nodding my head, I watch as he looked at the door. "Who's that?" he asked as I turned my head around, seeing Edward at the door. I smiled as Edward walked near us. "I'm Edward Collins. Chloe's lover." he introduced himself as my father smiled "Please take good care of her." he told.

"Cherish her, do things that I couldn't do."

Leaving the room, my father told me he wants to be in the garden. Kate came and we helped in on his wheelchair as I pushed him to the garden, where my brother was. "We need to take a family picture." my father said as he told Kate to grab the camera. She called for Jessica, just as the kid came running towards my dad.

"This is your sister, Jessica. Call her Jess." my father said as he introduced us to her, as I heard him mentioning our names. "Edward? Do you mind taking our family picture?" my father asked as he nods his head, moving away as he took the camera. I stood beside Kate as we posed for the camera. It was the usual family photo, I took a good look at it before smiling. Although I love this picture, it's nothing compared to the picture I had at home.

As we got in, my father told us that he'll go rest just as Kate told us that she had cooked something in the kitchen if we wanted to eat. Getting back to our rooms, I pulled Edward into mine.

"How was it?"

"It was good." I said, talking to him about my talk with my father. "It was nothing worth worrying about, right?" he asked as I nod my head. He laid on the bed just as I go ton top of him, "Thanks for coming here with me." I said as his hands went to my waist, pulling me down so that there was no space between us.

Laughing he looked at me, "It's my pleasure."

"Oh." I said as I went to my laptop. "I have work to do." I told, checking the mail Amy gave me. Sighing, I took a piece of paper which was in the room, slowly making the design using my pen. Edward watched me and as I finished, I sent her the picture of the design. Placing the paper away, I looked back at Edward, placing my head on top of his chest.

"When I get back to LA..," I started.
"I'm going to search for my mum." I told as he pushed back the hair that on my face.
"You know where she is?"

"My dad told me she's probably in Georgia. Might as well go and search for her one day."

He hummed, playing with my hair. "Let's eat what Kate cooked." he suggested.

"And let's go somewhere tomorrow." he said. "Where?"

"I don't know, I'll ask Kate for suggestions later."


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