Chapter Two

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It was Monday, which means school was a thing again. Great right? I didn't mind it so much. Mostly because I wanted to see my friends. I didn't have a chance to see them over Christmas break because they went to see their families.

When I walked into the school I saw Cat and Robbie over by the lockers. I could hear them talking about Robbie's grandmother and how she had a problem with Rex when I got closer. "Jade!" Cat yelled and twirled around before running over to me.

She was just about to hug me, but I quickly put my finger up and glared. "I don't do touching." I growled.

Cat whimpered and nodded. "Sorry." She then smiled out of no where and hugged her book closer to her. "How was break?" She had a way with disregarding her feelings.

How was break.. I thought of Tori and felt my lower stomach ache. Break was great actually.

"Could've been better." I shrugged. Ehh, I wasn't lying too much. I could've got her laid.

Robbie came over to where Cat and I were and lifted Rex up more. "Damn Jade, looking good today." 'Rex' said. I looked at Robbie and shook my head. This boy needs more confidence.

"Hey, hey, hey guys!" Andre shouted from the doors and walked over with a huge smile. "How was your break? I got the new Pear phone." He held it up and gave a proud grin.

"Ohh! I got a new stuffed animal! He's in my backpack look!" Cat unzipped her backpack and took out a monkey. "See! Isn't he cute? His name is Mikey." She snugged it to her and closed her eyes.

Robbie went on about something he received as a gift, but I wasn't paying attention. Mainly because I was too busy focused on Tori and Beck walking in. They were both talking, in a deep conversation I guess because she never looked away and was ranting. I heard Andre saying my name, but it was faint to me. Tori looked up from Beck and her eyes landed on me as they walked over. She smirked slightly and I quickly looked away.


I snapped my gaze to Andre and blinked. "What?"

"Did you finish your film for Sikowitz's class?"

You mean the film Tori and I basically spent most our time making out instead of doing? Oh. Yeah. We did.

"Yeah. I did." I said simply watching Tori join our group.

"Hey guys!" She was chippy as always. "How was your break?" Ugh. If I have to hear that question one more time.

Beck looked at me and nudged my arm. "Hey." He smiled. Beck and I broke up almost two months ago. At first we didn't talk at all, and if we did it was fighting. After awhile we decided it was dumb to fight if were in the same friend group so we talked it out- after he forced me of course. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. He was my first love, who wouldn't? It's not like I'd go back to him though. At least not now. I needed to learn that I couldn't lean on him for everything. Yes, I'm pretty independent, but when it came to him, things were different.

"Hey." I grinned lightly and crossed my arms.

"Tori told me you guys made a good film for Sikowitz. I can't wait to see it. She said you guys put a lot of work into it."

Oh, did she? Tori, you sly dog. I raised an eyebrow at this and smirked. "Yeah. It took a lot to deal with her. You guys are lucky you didn't have pairs considering you were gone."

Beck laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I bet."

I glanced back over to Tori and she instantly caught my gaze. She smiled a little which caused me to smirk and then I looked away at Cat who was talking. I didn't want to make anything obvious. I didn't want anyone to know what was going on between us.

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