Chapter 17: The Principals Office

Start from the beginning

"Well now what?" I asked as I sat on a black chair. "You can do whatever. I'm gonna try to get this stupid door open. Maybe snoop around the room, see if you can find anything about Rachel and Kate." She said. "Alright." I said and stood up.

What have I gotten myself into?

After searching for a while, I walked up to Chloe.

"There really isn't much. Unless you count this?" I said and gave her a class photo of Rachel in it. Chloe looked up at me and handed the photo to me. "I meant some clues man, not a picture." She said. "That's the thing, there's nothing here." I said.

"Take it easy on the door, Chloe." Max said suddenly. "Let's try this instead." She said, holding a round object. "Boom. Literally." She added. "Is that a bomb?" I questioned. "Yes! Time to blow shit up!" Chloe said. She looked at me. "Think you can handle that, Daniel?" She said. "As long as we don't die, yeah." I assured.

"If you'll light the candle..." Max said to Chloe. "This is so cool..." Chloe said as she lit up the bomb. "Get ready to haul ass." I ran over to the desk and slid over it. Max and Chloe hid beside me. A few seconds ticked by. The bomb suddenly blew open the door. Chloe turned to us. A wide smile on her face. "That was so fucking cool." She said.

An alarm started to go off.

"Oh, we are toast. Here comes the whole Arcadia Bay fire and police department!" Max said. "What now?" I asked.

"You guys wait here!" Max said. "What, why?" Chloe asked. "Just trust me!" Max said and dashed into the room. "What's she doing?" Chloe questioned me. "I don't know." I told her.


Chloe looked up at me and handed the photo to me. "I meant some clues man, not a picture." She said. "That's the thing, there's nothing here." I said. "Really? There has to be something." Chloe said and walked passed me. I leaned against the door and crossed my arms. "Check for yourself." I said.

The door suddenly opened and I fell backwards. I landed on the floor with a thud. I looked up and saw Max smiling down and laughing at me. I pointed at her, then out in the hallway. "Wha-how-how did you...?" I questioned.

Max gestured into the office. "Welcome to my domain." She said.

Chloe smiled at her. "You are magic. I have no clue how the hell you got in there, but you did it, sista." I stood up and brushed myself off. Max shrugged with a smile. "The company I keep. Now let's find what we want and beat it. My powers only go so far." Max told us.

Chloe and I examined the room. "Man, I can see why the Principal locks this room up. Fancy faux art crap. He must want everybody to know he has money. But no taste." Chloe said to us. She walked over to the desk and turned on the lamp.

I sat in the same chair I sat in when I was with Nathan and Warren the other day and kicked my feet up on the desk. "You guys can look for a bit. I'm just gonna chill here." I said and leaned back. Closing my eyes. "Nuh-uh skater boy." Chloe said and kicked my the back of my legs.

"How can you trust somebody who has a fucking bronze bird in his office?" Chloe suddenly said. "I'm glad I was expelled." I opened my eyes and yawned. "Yes, if only the Principal had a Monet or Picasso you'd still be at Blackwell." Max said. Chloe snorted. "Eat me. I'm going to pilfer the papers on this ugly ass desk." Chloe lowered herself into Principal Wells' chair.

"Okay, sure, it's ugly but damn is it a cozy chair!" Chloe said and placed her feet on the edge of the desk.

"This is your chance to truly get all deductive 'n' shit, Sherlock." Chloe said. "Find us some clues about Rachel... or Kate... or Nathan... Anybody!" Chloe said to Max. I dropped my skateboard on the ground and slid it back and forth under my feet. "I'm on the case." Max said.

Now we're in Principal Wells' office. Never did I think I'd be partnering up with a hipster and a punk. Ha! That works! The hipster, the punk, and the skater! What kinda childish shit am I even talking about right now? I don't know man. I'm fucking tired. I'd get a few minutes of sleep if I could, but Chloe would probably kick me awake. In all seriousness, it's fun hanging out with Max and Chloe. Well, except for prying Chloe out of some train tracks and saving her from a speeding fucking train. That was some scary shit.

"Max, Daniel, you better come check out these files..." Chloe said to us. I stood up from the chair and walked around the desk. "Nathan accuses Rachel of bringing drugs on campus?" Chloe questioned. Clearly angered. "And my step-troll went along because he thinks Rachel was a bad influence on me." Chloe leaned her head on her hand. "Assholes." She whispered. Max leaned closer to the monitor.

"If David is teaming up with Nathan Prescott... That's a bad sign." Max said. "Why the hell would he?" I questioned. "Nathan Prescott the Third." Oooh, he's so money." Chloe said. "And you know the Prescotts dropped major bank to bury Nathan's real file..." She added. "Look, it reads like a rap sheet-bad grades, teacher complaints, secret probation..." Chloe listed. "But I was expelled?" She said. "This is fucking stupid." I added. "The Prescotts always get their money's worth... Check out that note. Open it." Max told Chloe.

Chloe did as told. "It's just some crazy drawing..." Chloe said. I shook my head. "I don't think that's a drawing." I said. "He's right." Max said. "It's not a drawing... look, "Rachel in the dark room... Rachel in the dark room..." Max examined the monitor closely. "Over and over. That's it." She said. "What the hell?" I questioned. "That's... fucked up. What does this even mean? Nathan is truly psychotic." Chloe said. "I know he has something to do with Rachel missing..." She added.

"Whoa, listen to this." Max said. "David M. always asks what's going on in my head... David M. always helps me follow those he follows..." Pretty cryptic." Max said.

"No it sounds like they formed some sort of weird team-"The Super He-Bros." Chloe said. "Jesus, David was stalking Kate, hassling me and Daniel, and now we know he was all over Rachel too..." Max said. "What the actual fuck?" I said as I threw my arms in the air.

"Oh, we are so going into his garage files... Plus I'm getting a little paranoid in here." Chloe said. She looked at us. "We got our info, let's bail. But maybe we shouldn't leave without a gift..." Max shook her head. "No, you are not taking the cozy chair." Chloe tilted her head. "Max, do your powers include mind-reading?" She asked. "Or did you just rewind because I tried to steal the chair? Shit, I'm confused." Max smiled at her.

"It's the powers of best friendship. I know how you roll..." Max looked toward the door. "We should definitely get out of here. We pressed our luck enough."

Chloe opened a drawer and a envelope full of money appeared. "Whoa!" I said. "Hullo, what have we here?" Chloe said as she took it out. "Holy shit, jackpot! Cha-ching!" Chloe said as a wide smile spread across her face. "Wowser, that's a lot for the "handicapped fund"." Max said.

I nudged Chloe's upper arm with my fingers. "Yo, didn't you say you owe Frank some cash?" I told her.

Her eyes and mouth went wide and she checked the cash again. "Dude, there's five thousand dollars here. Daniel's right, I could pay Frank back tonight!" She said. "This will chill him out after you almost, you know, shot him." Chloe said.

Max's shoulders lifted and she let out a sigh. "Are you going to make a big issue out of this?" Chloe asked her. "Or just rewind and take the greenbacks for yourself? I hope you do that instead of lecturing me." Max looked at me. I shrugged at her.

"This is all you, Max." I told her.

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