Chapter 3: Conflicts

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"Hi?" he said.

"Ash are you talking to someone?"


"I heard you talking to someone." His mother tried to take a peek inside his room but he stopped the door with his foot.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ash let me in. I know you were talking to someone. It's almost one in the morning! Who are you talking to?" his mother, once again, pushed the door open. This time succeeding.

"Hey!" Ash frowned as his mother looked around the room. She noticed the laptop on his bed.

"Are you video chatting?" she looked at him with an angry glare. He groaned and shook his head.

"You're unbelievable." he whispered as he rolled his eyes.

"And you're grounded!" his mother yelled at him and grabbed the laptop, storming out of the room.

"Give back my laptop!" Ash followed her. Olivia sat on the bed, eyes widen. Both Ash and his mom were arguing as they walked down the stairs.

"I don't mind you video chatting but if I catch you doing something bad-"

"Like what? Drinking? Smoking? Drugs?"

"Ash Deacon Patterson!"

"Again with the full names!"

"When are you going to grow up?" she said, throwing the laptop on the couch.

"When you quit being such an ass!" He yelled. He didn't mean to yell it out. He was just sick and tired of having her stuck to him like a leech. Whenever he had to go out, he'd go out walking so his mom didn't have to give him a ride. He'd always lie about going to the supermarket so he wouldn't have to seem like he's going out with his friends. His mother was always protective, always asking if he had a great day at school and ever time he would say yes she would assume that he's getting bullied. They always had a conflict between each other, whether it's his hair or his friends, they only agreed on a few things.

"You think of me as an ass?" Ash's mother whispered. You could tell that she was about to cry but she kept them in. He felt guilty.


"Go to bed. You are going to see that school tomorrow. Even if I have to get off from work and drag you out of bed." she looked away, walking over to the couch, and getting some of her papers. Ash didn't know what to say anymore. He looked at his mother, hoping she will at least look at him. But she didn't. He walked up the stairs quickly and closed the door behind him.

Downstairs Olivia was standing behind the couch. She could hear Ms. Patterson crying. Olivia reached out her hand to her. Quickly she drew it back and looked up the stairs.

"I'm a terrible son." Ash whispered, he was already in bed with his pajamas on. He didn't know whether Olivia was inside his room or not. She was.

"I think there's worse kids out there." Olivia said, trying to lighten up his mood. He let out a bitter laugh.

"Yea right." he said. Their conversation ended with that.

Olivia floating around his room, bored. She heard someone lightly knock on his door. She stopped floating and looked at the door, expecting a monster to burst in. Who could be knocking at this time?, she thought. She glanced at the time.

3:28 A.M.

"Ash, I know you're probably asleep but I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not such a good mother. I'm sorry it was your father that died. I'm sorry," Olivia heard as she started to cry, "I'm sorry it wasn't me. Ash, honey, I'm so sorry."

Ms. Patterson let out an uneasy sigh and walked in her room. Olivia looked at the door. She didn't even notice what happened.

She was crying.


You feel that?

You feel those feels?

I put a lot of emotion in this chapter, so I hope you enjoy~. I didn't mean for you to cry.

Right this chapter is dedicated to bookloveforever, for adding this story in her reading list.


I was really happy so I decided to make this chapter.

K I think I've kept you long enough~!


(⊙ω⊙✿) Hold my flower?

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