"Oh! Errmm, the teacher exempted Joss and me in the pop quiz, so he allowed us to leave the class early."

Kim nodded looking convinced.

"So... what's this meeting about?" Bas asked.

"Let's wait for the others." I replied.

And here they came one by one. First was Tae who has with him his ever-reliable laptop. I don't think he ever goes anywhere without it. He took the seat next to mine after waving hello to Kim and Bas.

Then came Copter with his big backpack. I bet it's full of books inside. Naturally, he sat beside Bas and smiled wryly.

"How's the quiz?" Bas whispered.

"It's alright." Copter shrugged.

Tae suddenly turned to me and whispered, "You cheated last night."

Trying to get out of it, I denied, "What? No way!" I said. "Sour loser!" I added.

But he was right. I may or may not have cheated during the game. He still is the best that's why I had to use some of my tricks.

Last night's online game with Tae turned out to be fun. I've gotta say, I've missed this guy. I also felt a little good knowing that he thought to ask me to play with him and not someone else. Maybe we can go back to being good virtual friends.

"Ladies, focus!"

Kim suddenly blurted out. He was right. We almost forgot why we are here.

Funnily, we were like pupils who sat up straight with hands on the desk when we heard his commanding voice.

"We have five weeks to prepare for this. I already have a perfectly laid out plan, but we cannot talk about it in here."

"What do you need from us?" Bas asked.

That's a good question.

Kim turned to Copter and said, "First, I need a blueprint of the building."

That's when we all looked at Copter. I know this part of the plan is essential, and what Kim is asking from him isn't easy. We waited with anticipation for his reply.

"Done." He said without batting an eye.

That surprised us all. I for one didn't expect Copter to be as participative and gutsy as this. He made stealing building plans from his father look like stealing candy from a child which I admire. Wow!

"Good. When can we have it?" Kim asked.

"I'll drop by his office later. If I get the chance, I'll get them and send you a message."

Again, he said that without showing any fear of his dad or getting caught.

This guy turns out to be fascinating after all.

"How about me?" Bas asked.

"It's just accidental that you became a part of this, though I like it. Stand by." said Kim.

He was right. If only Bas wasn't in the men's room, he wouldn't be a part of any of this. Wait! Did Kim just say he liked that Bas got involved in this? Weird.

"And him?" Copter asked while pointing at Tae who is busy typing away on his keyboard.

Tae didn't seem to mind.

"We need someone to breach their system if we get locked out." Kim told Copter assuring him that Tae has an important role in this plan. Again, Tae couldn't care less.

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