Chapter 13 : My lady!!!

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After few minutes,

Naina : Is this my bravery award for saving your life, Captain.

Rajveer : You have my life. I don't want to do any promises because one can break them easily.

Naina : don't need to promise me anything. I never wanted your words. I could read it in your eyes.

Rajveer is still standing with naina in his arms. He feels relieved though his body starts being tired. And he finds his sofa to sit upon. With naina still in his arms, he sits upon the sofa. For once in his life, he feels complete and comfortable. They both drift to sleep slowly with new dreams for their future in their eyes.


Rajveer wakes with the sound of dinner bell of academy. He then realises where is he and the person who is sleeping so comfortably in his arms is naina, his student. He gets alarmed by this thought. And he tries to wake her up.

After few minutes, both are completely awake.

Rajveer : Naina, you do realize the impact of what we are doing?

Naina answers him by engulfing his neck with her both hands.

Naina : Captain, exactly what are we doing? Please explain 😉.

And she winks at him.

Rajveer gets irked. He is trying to explain her something and she is not at all attentive.

Rajveer : Attention cadet singh.

He gets in his strict mode.

Captain Shekhawat has come back. She sadly sighs.

Rajveer : This is exactly the reason why i never wanted to confess my feelings. That you will lose all your respect for me and you wont listen to me.

He is trying to surpress his laughter. Naina becomes serious.

Naina : Sorry. But i never disrespected you.

Her face gets dull. He realises that he has just unleashed an angry naina.

Rajveer : Oh i am so sorry naina. I was just joking with you. I won't do it again.

He holds both his ears and signals a sorry to her.

Naina : Never say i hold no respect for you. I have never respected anyone more than you. Of course i understand the consequences of our relationship. But i will never take an undue advantage of your position and our relationship. You will always be my mentor. And i will try to be your best cadet.

Rajveer feels proud on her. She has again understood his intentions.

Rajveer : But....

She interrupts him.

Naina : Please i hate such "but".

Rajveer : Okay fine. We love each other, however....

Naina again interrupts him.

Naina : "However" is just a fancy "but". Please don't mention any of them. I am content with the fact that you love me.

She announces cheerfully and hugs him tightly.

Rajveer : ok my lady. I was just saying that we shouldn't disclose this relationship to anyone, including alekh for some obvious reasons.

Naina glares him thoughtfully.

Rajveer : Dont take it like this i am scared of him and his brotherly instincts.

He finishes sheepishly. And she was trying to hold her smile. And as soon as he finishes it so lamely, she breaks into splits of laughter.

Naina : You are so much scared of him. But he always knew that you love me. He is always the first one to notice everything.

Rajveer just nods. Of course he is afraid of him. Anytime a brother can overpower his cadet and if he will choose to attack rajveer, he will be in trouble.

He just gulps down his scary thought.

Naina tries to leave and turns towards the door. Rajveer holds her arm tightly.

Rajveer : Before you leave, i want to tell you something. You have met abhimanyu. There is a long history with him. I would tell you afterwards. But you will have to behave with him very nicely. He is not talking to me for obvious reasons of me killing naveen. But you will have to make him your friend.

Naina tries to say something. But he doesn't let her talk and shushes her.

Rajveer : He is a nice man, naina. He is my and naveen's best friend. He is just disturbed with something. He won't tell me. But i want you to be his friend and to know his problem.

Naina keeps her free hand on his hand and squeezes it with a lot of comfort.

Naina : I trust you. Whatever you will do will be right. I am with you no matter what happens. You are not alone in this battle, captain. Your protege will follow you to any dangerous and deadly war.

Rajveer : Thats why i am proud of you my cadet.

Naina : Ok fine, Captain. Let me go before people actually start making news about us.

She tries to get out of his grip. But he is not that weak to let her go like this.

Rajveer : Not soon cadet. I think i also deserve something for being such a cool mentor.

Naina understands his intentions.

Naina : I will ask alekh to be your permanent helper😉.

She purposely takes alekh name.Rajveer leaves her arm suddenly.

Rajveer : Arghhh...How can you ruin my romantic mood with your angry brother's name.

And then he also understands her trick. Before she could know anything, he takes her hand, pulls her towards him and kisses her forehead with so much affection.

Rajveer : I can never do anything without your permission. Whenever you would want another step in our relationship, i will do it. I am just happy with the fact that you love me.

And with one last look at him, she leaves his quarter.

But there is someone behind the pillar who smirks over her departure after spending too much time in a teacher's quarters.


Hey everyone, so here is the next chapter. From next chapters, their story will be on a fast track. With their confessions over, i would be paying more attention on taking this story forward.

One more thing i would like to take your views on is the character of nandini. Can anyone please let me know which was the episode where abhimanyu talked about nandini apart from the one where they played golf. Do you guys want her to be involved in this story in any way? 😉

Keep reading, voting and sharing your feedback about the story!!!

Naina 💕

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