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sorry if the paragraphs are short I'll try to make them longer but I did write this on my phone so I'm sorry, but I'll do the editing on my iPad and if I can a majority of the story
Anyway I hope you enjoy this story remember vote/comment as you wish.
Harriet xx
September 16th 1978

   Amelia Snape-Black held her new born daughter in her arms as she regained her energy. She looked into her daughters grey eyes with a smile spread across her tired face.

   "She's beautiful" Sirius Black said from beside Amelia looking down at their daughter who had her hand wrapped around her fathers smallest finger "just like her mother." He finished with a smile. "But with your eyes." Amelia added.

"Have you thought of any names?" The nurse asked the new parents. Sirius looked from his daughter to his wife and smiled "Natalia" he said "Natalia Aries Black"

   Just then the doors to the room burst open and in came James and Lily Potter who were married not to long ago, a tired looking Remus Lupin who had the full moon two nights before and was still recovering, but Peter Pettigrew was no where to be seen. When Amelia and Sirius noticed that one of their best friends wasn't there to celebrate the birth of their child it pained them inside.

    "Where's the new Marauder?" James said running over to his best friend, Lily gracefully followed James rolling her eyes at him which he was completely oblivious to, but Amelia noticed and gave Lily a smirk.
   "What's her name?" Remus asked as he gently took the baby from Amelia and rocked her. "Natalia" Sirius said to Remus "Natalia Aries Black"

    "Um Lily..." Amelia began to speak Lily immediately turned her head towards the voice of her best friend she replied with a small yes in her her angelic voice "will you be Natalia's Godmother?" Lily suddenly ran over to her friend and hugged the living day light out of her "oh yes, yes, I would be honoured to be her Godmother!"

    "And Godfathers" Sirius started looking at James and Remus "Godfathers?" Remus repeated looking slightly confused "you heard me Moony, you and Prongs are gonna be Godfathers for Natalia a.k.a Mini Marauder or Padfoot Jr. I'm not sure yet." James was smiling widely and jumped into Sirius' arms whilst Remus stayed back and was still questioning why Sirius had chosen to have two Godfathers and just one Godmother.

    "But why did you chose two Godfathers and only one Godmother?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows at Sirius,

   "Really Moony?" Sighed Sirius but Remus only nodded in response "cause Amelia doesn't exactly trust Prongs, I do though, but we thought it'd be nice for you two to try and help each other as Godparents." Sirius finished looking hopefully at Remus, Remus just grinned and joined James; who had not stopped hugging Sirius.


31st October 1981

    "Sirius don't you dare walk out of that door!" Amelia said with tears streaming down her face.
"I have to... he's the reason they're...dead"He said in a mere whisper looking into his wife's eyes, "I promise I'll be safe, I'll be back."

   Amelia broke eye contact with her husband and cricked her head towards a bedroom door with purple writing on it reading 'Natalia Aries Black' Sirius smiled, a sad smile and walked up to his daughters room. He walked in and saw his three year old daughter on the floor playing with her toy broom trying to make it hover but failing. When she notices her father standing in the doorway she immediately jumps up and into his arms.

    "Daddy!" She exclaims whilst Sirius adjusts her in his arms. "Now Lia" Sirius begins his grey eyes staring into her grey ones "I have to go somewhere for a little bit but I promise I'll be back tomorrow , ok?" He says holding out his little finger "okie" Natalia replies locking her little finer in her fathers.
   Sirius hands Natalia over to her mother and walks up to her one last time before he leaves "I promise I'll be back" He says kissing Amelia's forehead "promise?" Amelia manages to squeak "promise" he repeats "I love you two so so much. I'll be back by tomorrow you'll see" and with that Sirius went off to track down Pettigrew.


   But Sirius didn't keep his promise he never returned the next day. Amelia woke up and was hoping to see Sirius downstairs in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place but no one was there, she sighed and sat down at the table, just as she was about to poor herself a cup of tea when an owl knocked on the window holding The Profit in its bill she took the paper and gave the owl a small treat and on the front page it read

Sirius Orion Black famous heir to the Black family name has murdered 13 muggles and his old school friend Peter Pettigrew, the street where this happened was blown to pieces after Pettigrew tried to yell for help saying that Sirius Black was the secret keeper to the Potter's location and he was a Death Eater and was the one who told You-Know-Who the location and where to find the Potter's. This man is the reason Lily Evans-Potter and James Potter have been murdered and left their son orphaned at one year old.
Sirius Black has been sentenced to life in Azkaban and shall spend the rest of his life there."

Amelia gasped when she read this 'it was wrong all of it bullshit, Sirius is innocent it was Pettigrew who told Voldemort James and Lily's location!' She thought to herself.

   Amelia then heard footsteps coming down the hallway and into the kitchen assuming it to be her daughter "morning Lia, did you sleep well?" She asked but when she got no response she turned around and become face to face with one of Voldemort's most respected Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy, he raised his wand at her and Amelia fumbled through her pockets to try and find her wand but it was upstairs.

    "Crucio!" He yelled pointing his wand at Amelia, the light came darting out of his wand and Amelia screamed in pain and fell to the floor as the curse hit her. She felt as if thousands of knives were continuously stabbing her in the chest, when Lucius Malfoy lifted the curse Amelia was struggling to breathe. Lucius Malfoy walked up to her pointing his wand at her throat.

   "Here's a spell that pathetic brother of yours once taught me..." He drawled digging his wand further into her neck making Amelia wince in pain "Sectumsempra" Lucius said and huge gashes formed across her body she tried to scream but there was a gash running from straight across her neck - the once was sparking clean kitchen floor was now stained by the blood of Amelia Snape-Black which could not even be removed by magic the blood shall lay there for eternity - breathing to save her life and screaming to save her soul. Amelia gradually stopped thrashing around and lay there still in a pool of blood with black lifeless eyes showing only a dead soul.


   The next day Albus Dumbledore walked into 12 Grimmauld Place but instead of the normal bubbly atmosphere it was filled with an uncomfortable silence, he was about to check the drawing room to see if he could find Amelia and Natalia Black when he heard the faint crying of a child coming from the kitchen.

    Albus walked into the room and was heartbroken at the scene he was greeted with, a three year old Natalia Black was sitting in a pool of blood as she cried into her mothers unmoving chest, blood surrounding the pair he walked up to the girl and tried to pull her off her mothers body but she just gripped her small hands onto her mothers shirt screaming as the man tried to pull her off. When Albus managed to get the girl off her mothers body he mutter a spell making the body disappear.

   He took the crying Natalia and apparated to a cobbled street in York he took her hand and the pair walked up a stone path leading up to a small cottage that was off beaten track. After he knocked on the door it opened to reveal a man about the age of 21 with scars covering his face and sandy-brown hair.

   "Professor Dumbledore" The man said surprised " what're you doing here?" He continued unaware that his Goddaughter was behind his old professor.

    "Remus, I take it by now you've heard the news about the Potters, and Sirius." Albus said, are,us just nodded sadly in response "I'm afraid to tell you that this morning Death Eaters attacked Amelia, she didn't make it but her daughter did. I need you to raise Natalia as you are her godfather Remus."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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