Part One

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Chapter 1:

Heart Crushed

Ron and Hermione were a happy engaged couple. They were arriving to have their wedding in a week or so. They always thought to be the perfect couple. They kissed once in year five. JK Rowling thought it wasn't perfect to make them kiss early. "So why don't we wait until year seven for them to kiss. Everyone will like it." Yeah but everyone hated it. And in the last book. Really? Come on people. This is insane. And they did it after killing one of Voldemort soul and water fell on them then kissed. Really? I love your Harry Potter books but that is wrong.

"Why did you wait for ron and Hermione to kiss in year seven?" "Well I wanted for them to get along."" In the seventh year!? " "Well I thought people would like." "People agreed that they didn't like." "Who raised you?" "Shut up! " "No you do." Sorry. Overreacted. Lets go to the story.

At Hogwarts, Hermione was enjoying herself talking to people or girls of being engaged . She bragged how wonderful he was. She had best friends Luna, Cho Chang, the twin sisters, and Periverti. Two days before her wedding, Hermione had everything to walk down the aisle. Every night when Hermione goes to sleep Ron leaves Gryffindor Commen Area. She got suspesious. But she trusted him and loved.

On her wedding Luna was the bride of honor. She and Neville was together after the war. They were getting married 10 months. Hermione was nervous. "Its okay. I was nervous."said professor McGonigall. She walked towards Hermione. "You look beautiful." "Thanks. I have to go to the bathroom." She ran in the glass slippers to the restroom.

When she exited she heard Ron. Ron was with Cho. She hid to the corner. "Its your wedding day. I don't want to cheat on Hermione. She is my friend. What about sneaking to see your child. She is my friend and I don't won't to hurt her." "She'll never know. I love you. She is pathetic." Ron kissed Cho. Hermione ran in her dressing room. She was crying.

At the alter Ron stood there. People stood there. Hermione walked down the alter. Her muffle father helped her. Hermione arrived at the alter. "Noo! I won't go through with this. You lied to me. You cheated on me with my best friend. And had a child by her. And you called me stupid. You don't love me." Cho ran up the alter. "It's not what you think." "You're my best friend and you went with him behind my back and had a child. I hate you." Hermione punched Cho in the face then lefter to her broomstick. "Hermione. Lets talk. " Hermione left not listening. Hermione cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2012 ⏰

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