A stranger from the new world

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I'm finally here, the world that I've dreamed of never going to. It was more alive and thriving than I expected. How fascinating, the leaves on the trees were yellow, red and green, there were many on the ground too, it was quite chilling, in the distance I could see a small deer drinking from a pond. It looked up and noticed me, it stood frozen like it was waiting for an escape.

"Come here little one, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm new to this world like you," I whispered as I inched closer. It did as I wanted but only little steps at a time. I reached a steady hand out towards the deer, it took it as a sign of greeting and walked towards me now at a little faster pace. All of a sudden the deer stopped, it's eyes wide and full, then fell down. I could see now that it's side was bleeding out. I rush to the deer and kneel down, I try to stop the bleeding but it's no use it's already dead. I hug the deer's bloody corpse, and whisper " may you rest in peace ."

"Get off that bloody thing!" A voice yells behind me. I turn and see a man holding a silver object with smoke floating around it. His eyes were blue like the sky, his hair darker than dirt around us. His eyes were laced with anger but the center was curiousity. He reached his hand out to me, I look at it and cock my head.

"Would you like a hand?" He questions.

"Please don't cut off your hand sir"

"What? No, that's not what that means"

"What do you mean then?"

"Would you like help getting up?" He reached his hand out again.

"Oh, yes. Thank you,"I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. He wiped his hand off on his pant leg. I look down and I see that I'm covered in blood, I look like my brother after he put an explosive in a boar. A bloody mess.

"Come to my place and you can get cleaned up there," he smirked while picking up the deer with his left.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Use 'Em for meat and eat," he licked his chapped lips. Gross. I followed him as he started walking, with every step the deers instestines fell out.

Soon we reached his place, it looked like a house that about to fall apart once we stepped inside. It's windows were being held up by tape and glue. As I stepped closer I could see the paint chipping off the boards.

"You live here?" I asked with pure disgust.

"I do you want to be in dirty clothes any longer, I could've just left you there,"

"You're right, I'm sorry"

"But before you come in, I'm gonna need a payment, you know for letting you shower in my place."

"Okay but don't look," I said as I turned around to my case. I looked back towards him to see if he was looking, he wasn't. I didn't know how much to give him so I picked out a small stack, each of them had a mans face on them, they all had 20s on them though. I turned back around and gave him the money. I could tell by the look on his face that he was excited, he was practically smiling from ear to ear.

"Right this way," he held the doer open for me and extended his arm towards the inside of the house. I stepped inside and looked around. It was empty except for a small mattress on the floor. Then I felt a deep pain spread from the back of my head. I could myself passing out, but before I did I muttered out, "Why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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