"Then tell him," She says, "stop bitching about it and just tell him."

"Its not that easy," I say.

"It really is," She says, "just look him in the eyes and say. 'Hey Jughead. I'm joining the serpents whether you like it or not. Because I'm already on the third trial and I'm not backing out now.'"

"You make it sound so easy," I say, "and thanks for helping me paint by the way."

"Its great bonding," She says, "and we need more girls in the Serpents."

"Well," I say, "lets see if I make it out of this alive."

"Hey Y/n," Lily says joining us, "we are going to eat. You guys wanna come?"

"Nah," I say, "I'm gonna finish this and then head out."

"And I have to head home," Toni says, "but I'll you tonight Y/n."

"Thanks Toni," I say as she leaves. Lily walks up and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck tonight," She says.

"Thanks," I say.


    Everyone had cleared out of the house besides me. I was alone. And deep into thought as I painted. Until I hear a loud crash outside. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself. I get up slowly and walk to the window. I see a small old blue car now parked by my truck. I back away slowly only to hear someone inside. I pull my bag towards me and pull out  a switch blade from the front pocket. With a murder running around the town I put it in there. To have something to fight with. And I gun wasn't possible for me to get. I flip it open revealing the small blade. I peak out the door and feel someone grab my wrist and pull me towards them. "Get off of me!" I scream. I look up and see the h/c haired man. 

  "Is that how you treat your father?"My dad asks. I pull my arm from him and step back.

"Get away from me!" I yell at him.

"But pumpkin," He says snickering.

"Don't call me that," I hiss, "now get away from me."

"You're in my house," He says.

"You're name was never on the property. So actually its my house," I say clutching the knife in my hand, "so get the fuck out."

"Aren't you gald to see me?" He asks.

"I honestly was hoping that you would of died in there," I say, "now go!" 

"Why should I?" He hisses.

"Because she told you too," I hear someone say from behind him. He turns around to reveal Toni and Sweet Pea. The psychos facing a murderer. He holds up his arms and smirks. 

"Fine," He says, "I'll leave." He looks back and glares at me. "A bitch just like your mother."

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" I scream.

"Would you rather hear about how I cut her up? Slice by slice just like your sister? How every scream echoed in my eyes with pleasure," He mocks. 

"Stop." I say gripping the knife tighter.

"You're just like me you know," He says, "I see the look in your eye. You wanna kill."

"Get out," I warn again.

"Maybe you would of enjoyed it to," He says, "coating your self with the blood. Slicing away at them as they scream in horror. Just like I did." This was the final straw, I snap. Stepping forward and shoving the knife into his shoulder in blind rage. Taking the man to the ground as I move twist the blade. Not realizing what I was doing until I hear Toni yell my name. I look up at them with the knife up ready to move again. And it sunk in what I was doing. I stand up drop the knife, starting to back away. I look at my scarlet covered hands and fall to my knees. Soft sobs of mine filling the room as Toni runs to me. turning me to her. Everyone was right. I did it, I became just like that man. I was just as bad as him. Maybe even worse.

Holding On // Sequel to LuckyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat