part two new boy

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Chapter 6
Today there was a new boy in the group I thought he was almost as cute as jake . Suddenly he started to walk over to me I started to sweat my mouth went dry I struggled to say hi it sort of came out as hiii hey hey hey". He laughed and said hi and asked me my name I said "it's it's lizzie " then he told me I had a beautiful name and a beautiful face with it then said his name was Oscar " then he gave me his number and it was time to dance . When I got back home I told them both what had happend and dorra was so proud but jake looked misrible he said I don't even know him and he could have just been being friendly. I said I didn't care and it wasn't like any one else liked me . Then he shouted "u can't because I love u I always have and always will!!" I stood there shocked until I brought my self to say the words" I love u two .but I don't know any more Oscar seems sweet give me a month please then I'll see" he agreed to the deal until then we went about daily activities. Oscar continued to talk to me un till one day he finally said will u go on a date with me so I said yess to see how it goes . Then finally I should have made my decision.
Chapter 7
The dates
The day had finally came dorra had helped me pick some clothes and did my makeup whilst jack consistently paced up and down trying to persuade me not to go . Then finally after an hour of waiting the doorbell went . SUDDENLY jack jumped fifteen ft in the air and ran like a cheetah to the door he tried to say I was out but finally I got past him to the door and we left . The date wasn't what I expected it's was soo elegant and stylish it was on a boat there was a candle lit dinner just for us it was so romantic he had a band play music for us while we dances and to top it all off we pretended to be jack and rose from titanic at the front of the ship . I loved every second . Finally as we got to the door he slowly lead in and brushed my hair from my face until our lips met in a warn embrace. Sadly the moment was ruind by non other than dorra she opened the door without noticing and said "get inside you'll freeze" the she looked down and said "oh sorry my bad". As I said goodbye and walked into my living room I saw jack sat there looking impatient like a worrying mother . He looked at me and said "oh thank God your home alright I was so worried about you " I never thought to question him because I already knew what he would have said. All I said was it was a nice evening but that wasn't good enough for jack he had to know every detail . So I carried on then I realised something I waited all this time for a boy to like me the way I like them the two come along at once.

Still a cringe let me know who u want lizzie to date I'd like to know so I can finish I have writers block lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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