At 8:30pm Joyce Byers headlights streamed through the windows, causing Johnathan Byers to look up from the mess of wires round the back of the TV he was trying to untangle. He stood up and ran to the front door to greet his mother, who's hair was slightly disheveled and lips in a small frown, a frown that disappeared when she saw her eldest son standing in the door way of her house to greet her smiling broadly at him. "Hey mom."
"Hiya Johnathan! How was school?"
She said holding her arms out to hug him after closing the car door.
"Good. Yeah it was good. How was work?"
"Oh never mind me- wheres Will?"
"In his room, drawing I think."
The two walked in the house Johnathan closing the door after his mother and they shared a sweet embrace, holding on to each other tightly, Joyce laughing at something that Johnathan questioned, "What?" He asked pulling back from the hug .
"I remember when you were so small that you'd be hugging my waste, now I'm almost hugging yours!"

Johnathan smiled at his mother and she looked him in the face, smiling back.

"I'll go check on Will." Joyce said and walked out the room, towards Wills bedroom door down the hall. Wills room was on at the end of the hall, his door holding a sigh with his name on drawn in brilliant colours by himself.
She knocked three times. "Will honey? It's me, mom." She waited for a response, to which she did not get, she furrowed her eyebrows and knocked again, "Will?". She waited, no response.
Deciding against respecting his privacy and allowing her motherly worrying to take control she opened the door, "Will, sweetie-"
She was met with a sight that surprised her at first but calmed her after so, Will was laying asleep in bed, a peaceful expression drawn on his face. Joyce could feel some sense of pity for her son, knowing how he had been having trouble sleeping lately. She decided to leave him be, and let him rest, cause besides, there's always a tomorrow.

And her son was sleeping.


Joyce had let Will miss dinner, Johnathan not protesting for both of them knew he could use the rest, but what they didn't know was Will wasn't resting. Will was wide awake.

Will would not sleep after what Troy had done to him, what Mike had said to him. And did he feel guilt for what he had done to his mother, yes. But he felt guilt every time. He felt guilt that he was her son.

Will knew not of what time it was. He presumed he had been laying there for hours, staring at the ceiling. He sensed it was some time early in the morning, he darkness streaming through his open curtains, a silent wind drafting through the gaps in his window frame, causing a low creek to sound from its splinters.

His desk was covered in drawings that he had completed earlier, drawings of nothing. Black pencil filled the page, he had resolved to crayon after breaking 3 leads, though he had no need to worry about lessening his supply of pencils.
He stared at the whiteness of his ceiling and began to subconsciously hum, he began to him rockin' robin again, unbeknown to him his eyes watered, they watered so harshly tears fell from them, spilling down his cold cheeks, leaving pathways behind them that dried just as quickly as they came, but were replaced with new pathways shortly after.

His tears had no sound, but no reason either, his tears always came in the night, but he never knew. He could never recall crying. It was as if his mind was in a void at nighttime, a void that was forgotten as soon as the world woke up just as he did, though he was never asleep. He was living awake though he always slept- or longed to do so.

He hummed on, hums getting louder in the least.

He was broken.

"Let me fix you." Came a voice across the room, a cracking voice, sounding as if it were far away.
"I can't." Will whispered back, clasping the voice in his hands.
"Just let me try."
It were as if he could feel his breath against his cheek, his warm comforting light breaths, drying out the wet sheen of tears on his skin. His soft lips placing kisses on each single drop. His velvety hands clasped around his. His long fingers tracing lines on the palms of his hands. His legs tangled with his. His strong arms wrapping round his small torso, holding him, protecting him.
"I'm s-sorry." The voice said.

Then it was gone.

And Will was alone, alone with his tears.


An/ i actually update!!
idk why but this chapter made me feel really emotional like Idk writing it was hard but hey hey 2.1k words bros
Thanks for 4K reads! Byeeee

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