What's that he smells?

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I'm the last one that's standing....

Don't try to stand in my way....

Cause I've been up against better....

Just take a look at my face....

You were walking by yourself outside. But while you were walking, you felt a little curious. It was a bit quiet outside. Maybe a bit...too quiet. Not even a single bird tweet or the sound of traffic. You were alone walking on your lawn, not worrying about what was happening. Suddenly, you heard a sound. And saw a glowing red light. You looked curiously at it, and walked to it. The red light was not so far away. Eventually, you made it to where the sound was really loud, and the glow was very bright. You slowly walked to it, and there you saw it. The figure in your dream. The mysterious creature behind a mask. You were about to walk to him, but then heard him say, "Hello, my dear." Your eyes widened. "Wh-wh-who are you...?" You asked, nervously. He turned around, and saw your face. His mask had big ears. On his left side of his face was a glowing eye, while on the his right was a black lightning bolt. Behind him, he had long white hair. His body was was mainly black, but with white fur. He had black gloves, and black shoes. And what you didn't notice in your dream, was that he had something shiny on his chest. It was dark and glowing and moving. It looked like a jewel. "My dear," he said, crossing his arms. "I am what is known as the ultimate mercenary." Hearing his voice sent chills throughout your body, inside and out. He sounded scary and almost demonic. "What is your name?" He asked. "M-My name is...__________," you said, nervously. "My...what a beautiful name you have," he said. You blushed lightly, and he chuckled softly. "I think I should be going now," you said. "I'll be here," he said. You turned around and started to walk away. But then you asked him something. "Wait...are you-," but when you turned around, he was gone. Completely out of sight. You shivered a bit more, and you walked away.

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