It was no use refusing. James had already given his word.


Later, after her mother-in-law had left the house in a hired hackney after a teary farewell and a large amount of apologizing on her part, Olivia turned to her Pirate. Looking at the sadness and grudging acknowledgement on his face, she smiled.

"We can do this James. We have stood up and defeated a national traitor, this will definitely be easier." Olivia enthused.

"Speaking of that, what exactly did you mean by telling Nate you wanted to join the W.O.? " James growled.

Olivia sighed. "I'm sorry James, I know I should have spoken with you before making that decision, but when I saw Mr. Nathaniel, I couldn't stop myself. It could very well have been my first and last chance to speak to him! But James, I really, really do wish to work as an agent.

I know it is not fun and games, risking your life out there to defend your country, so do not tell me I don't understand. It's just that.... I admire you for your courage, I really do. When I saw you after both my 'accidents', thinking about all the possibilities, narrowing your options, calculating, and just completely immersing yourself in your task, I knew that being an agent is in your blood. It is a way for you to channel your energy, your focus and your sense of justice.

I am inspired to use my intellect like you. I know that I probably will never get a chance to do so because I am a woman, but I couldn't not try! I would never forgive myself if I did not at least try!" She turned her bright eyes on her husband, beseeching him to understand.

"I don't suppose you know how proud I am of you, do you? Since you seem to know so much already!" James cupped her cheek tenderly, while she blushed at his statement.

Smiling at her reaction, he continued ,"Olivia, there is much more to consider before you become a spy, there are reasons women are not allowed to take this job, and even though a majority of these rules are pure bullshit, excuse my language, but a few are actually correct and worth considering. But since you are so passionate about it, I shall see what Nate tells me tomorrow, and we shall think about then. For now, I have something else I would rather do."

Reading his intention clearly in those brilliant grey eyes, Olivia felt the blood rush to her cheeks, hastily covering them with her hands. But James was not going to let that happen. He gently pulled her hands from her cheeks and brought them to his lips, kissing the underside of her wrist lingeringly, inhaling the floral scent that was an essential part of her while watching her eyes turn a darker shade of green, her breath hitching at his touch.

Olivia would never know why just a soft kiss from him made her so brazen, but she cast the thought away as she stood on her toes to peck him on the lips.

But before he could pull her in for a deeper, and certainly more satisfying kiss, she stopped him with a hand on his chest. Looking into the grey eyes that had intrigued her since she had first seen them, she decided to risk her heart.

"James-" Before she could say anything further, James shushed her, and concentrating on her confused face, said four words.

"Zoë mou, sas agapo."

He looked so vulnerable and hopeful, that it took Olivia a few seconds to process the Greek phrase.

My life, I love you.

Nothing could have stopped the tears that blurred her vision, as she jumped into the arms of her husband, raining kisses on his face. Byron, again.

"I love you", they both said simultaneously, beatific smiles on both their faces as they gazed at each other, content not to say another word.

Eventually, James carried her up the stairs to their bedchamber, and Olivia knew in her heart then, that her life was now complete. Everything else would sort out itself if she had her Pirate by her side.

Just before they crossed the threshold, James said quietly, "My Siren, I shall love you till the breath leaves my body, and if the Gods allow it, even after that happens."

Undone, Olivia kissed him with all the love, hope, happiness, and every shred of joy in her heart, which he reciprocated.

Now they knew nothing would be too great for them to overcome, no mountain to high, no valley too deep, no distance too far.

As long as they had each other.


:') At last! It's 2:15 in the morning here, and I'm literally just sitting on my bed and smiling like a lunatic.... It's just crazy! :P

Please do Vote and comment, dear readers! It means more than I can say in words... :)

Next chapter is the epilogue....

Lots of love!


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