At her defeated look, however, he spoke again.

"But there is another possibility for your ladyship, and I suggest you speak with James here tonight, before making any decision. I shall sent word with James when he visits tomorrow. Now I bid you farewell, my lady." Bowing courteously over her hand, he was gone after one pointed look at both friends, still standing with comically shocked expressions on their faces.

"Connie I think you should depart to George's to celebrate another successful mission. I on the other hand, need to have a discussion with my wife." Conrad furrowed his brows at the abrupt dismissal, but decided to forgive his friend this once.

"See you tomorrow then, Jamie boy. It was a pleasure, Olivia." So saying, he left, leaving the pair alone in the Rose salon.

"So where were we? Ah yes, I believe I was just about to-",he began with a mysterious look on his face, but was cut off midway by a very alarmed Olivia.

"My lord, your mother is alone in your study, shouldn't we go to her? We most definitely shouldn't leave her there all alone, she must be bored waiting for so long! How terribly rude of me!" ,taking up handfuls of her cotton skirts, Olivia rushed out, not even looking behind to ascertain whether James followed her or not.

"This discussion is by no means over, Olivia! You cannot avoid it for long anyway.... I shall see to it that you don't. Olivia James Richardson!" James thundered after her, lowering his voice slightly when he noticed the servants staring at him, stupefied at their employer's behavior.

"There is nothing to see here all of you! Get back to your work!" James felt the heat creep up his neck as he spoke, and the maids and footmen sprang into action immediately, leaving him free to proceed to his study.

At the door, he realized he was still apprehensive of seeing his mother, even after the 'heart to heart' they had shared just an hour ago. Brushing off his sudden mood, he entered to find his wife and mother sitting next to each other on the diwan, looking like they were slowly getting used to each other. He wondered what they had said to each other to relax in each other's company.

His mother looked at him with eyes that were slightly rimmed in red. She had cried? He tried to suppress the instinctual need to comfort. Olivia motioned him closer to them and he almost refused, but what was the harm? It wasn't as if he was -

"I am leaving for the States tomorrow, James. I have secured passage on a vessel called The Libertine which sails at dawn. I - I had to see you before I left." Eunice took a few deep breaths, praying the tears would not spill before the son who would think her cowardly for them.

"I know you condemn what I did, James. But please, if you have any fond memories of your childhood with me, I beg of you to hear my last humble request to you. I shall never ask you for anything for the rest of my days, I promise you. Just one request."

James looked at the frail woman, who had recently been widowed, holding back her tears and pleading to her son to grant just one request before she left for a faraway continent, probably never to see him again, and his resolve to stay impassive crumbled in a second.

He did not even care if he was making a mistake by listening to her. She was his mother, even though they had been estranged for 21 years.

Kneeling at her feet to take Eunice's hands in his own, James said," Tell me what it is, mother, and I shall try my best to fulfill it. I give you my word." James looked at his mother reassuringly, trying to let her know it would all be alright.

Wiping the tears that finally spilled over, Eunice Marchbanks softly uttered something that left James speechless, and Olivia to just swallow uncomfortably and close her eyes in acceptance.

The Pirate's Lady (Spies of London #1)Where stories live. Discover now