Going to school

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My pov:

 I was waiting for my brother to get ready for school but when we look at each other other our clothes mostly match. So we thought we need to change our clothes after 5 minutes we were ready to go to to school. We walk together to school people thinks we are boyfriend and girlfriend because we hold hands together when we are not at school. "Ne Nii-chan look we are almost at school should we let go of our hands now" but my brother just nodded at me so we let go of our hands.

3 minutes later

We said good bye but we have the same class our homeroom is Class 1-A which is the highest class. So we went in together but people was staring at us. Someone spoke up " are you guys dating" so we look confused and we both said no in a blank tone. But everyone still look at us but went back to what they were doing.

After class end my brother went to his basket ball club

Kuroko pov

  I went to the club and I saw one of my groups mate already playing basketball like getting ready to beat the Generation of Miracles. So our coach was calling us so we heard and went to her and we found out that our first game and the generation if miracles school will be played together in other to go against all of the Generations of Miracles. I was really surprise that I have to go against them plus I am in the Generation of Miracles. My coach asked me something" did you know about this ?" "are your really have to go against us " I just I don't know then heard my phone ringing and it was Akashi-kun. Then I asked my coach if I can answer my phone and she was go ahead so I went out to answer it.

Riko POV

"Let go hear what they will be talking about " she said so we all agree and went outside to listen.

Kuroko POV

Hello Kuroko speaking I said 

Ahh Kuroko did you heard about the match between us Miracles and our school said Akashi-kun

Yes I heard why though I said 

The organization of the competition said so but we just have to listen to them he said 

Okay then Akashi-kun I said

Ahh Kuroko is your sister participating with us he said

I think she has to participate too since she is part of the Generation of Miracles I said.

Okay then tomorrow we will meet at the park we used to go to when we are in middle school 8:00am he said.

Okay then I said and the phone ended 

Seirin POV

Did you guys know that Kuroko has a sister and everyone said no

Kuroko has to challenge us since he part of the Generation of Miracles.

But who is Kuroko sister that is the only thing they have curious about plus she is in the Generation Of Miracles?

Since they are going to meet up at the park they went during middle school but does that mean all Generation Of Miracles will be there? and everyone is thinking yes so they went back to act like they never heard about it 

Kuroko POV

I went back inside to the gym and everyone was sitting so I told them that I have to go against them when we played the game. Then everyone was surprised then we went to back to practice so they ask me some question like how are there in the Generation of Miracles ?

So I just said only 7 people.

Then everyone was surprised that there is 7 they thought there is only 6 people.

Then the rest of the school was that they had the miracles in was surprise they are thinking that they might not even win against any of them.

After club finish I went to look for my sister so we found each other and went work.

Every school POV that will go against the GOM

After the GOM left we need to contact the other school so we can discuss a plan to try and defeat them. So they contact each other so they will meet at the same place where the GOM will be.

Kuroko POV

 After we finish work and got home so I ask Kohana did you know that we have to play against the other school since we part of the GOM.

She said Yes I know

Are you going to the meet up 

She said I am going if you are going 

I said yes I am going so lets us get ready for the meet up tomorrow 

She Okay Nii-chan

After we had our dinner went to sleep for tomorrow.

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