Chapter 1

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I crawl of bed, dreading returning to school. I sigh as I starts getting dressed. Red turtle-neck sweater, light grey skinny jeans, black converse. I attempt to comb my extremely messy hair before giving up. I put on my backpack. It's red with wings on it and for some reason, my only happiness.

I walk out of my room just in time to see my twin sister happily skipping out into the hallway.

She's wearing a light pink dress with a dark pink ribbon around her waist. Her hair is brushed back into a half ponytail with of course a ribbon tied around that. I really can't understand why she acts so childish when she dresses up.

I wait until shes a little ways down the hall before walking behind her.

"Good morning Wintra! Good morning Damion!" My mother calls from the kitchen. "Good morning, mommy!" Wintra calls back. I groan in response.

Do they seriously expect me to be responsive before 7:00 in the morning?

My mom sets pancakes and bacon in front of me after I sits at the table. My father comes out of my parents rooms before kissing my mother. My sister awes in approval, I on the other hand am disgusted. I like hate more than love. I roll my eyes and start eating.

I get on the bus for school and of course my sister scoots in next to me.

"Go away" I say as I push her, "People are going to start thinking we're dating or something!"

She just giggles. "Of course they aren't! Everyone knows you're my little bro!" She ruffles my hair and slap her hand away. "We aren't talking about that day, besides it's a 23 minute difference!" "That's because you're a slow poke!"

I growl, wanting to slap her. "Can't you just go find someone else to bug? I already have to put up with you at home!" The bus goes over a bump and I bump into Wintra.

"I can't move now silly, the bus is in motion." She says as though I don't already know. "I know" I say harshly. "So move when the bus stops smart one!"

"Aww, where is the fun in that Damion? Can't I love on you?" She puts her arm around me and I slightly flinch. I glare at her. "Remove your hand from around me now, or I will remove it from your body for you." She lets go of me, still smiling. "Murder isn't very nice Damion, in fact it's illegal." She say 'as a matter of factly'. "I didn't say I was going to murder you." She frowns, taking in my remark before grinning. "That's great then! I won't have to visit my favorite sibling in jail!" She say happily. "Wintra, I'm your only sibling." She smooths out her dress. "I know, that's why you're my favorite." "And if i did kill you, you wouldn't be able to see me in jail idiot." She giggles. "I didn't think of that!" Of course she didn't. I finally start ignoring her as she starts talking about her friend.

I walk to class quietly, as it's on the 3rd floor. I sit down in any random desk. It's the only class i don't have a seating chart in. I hear someone snicker behind me and i turn around just in time to see them look back at their desk. I sigh. Must be something that has to do with Wintra and I sitting on the bus together this morning. I pull out my work from yesterday. I did it in class so i could have some free time today. I know, sounds silly right? Well I like to use that time to plan my escape. A couple girls come over to me, squealing about my sister. "Go away. I'm busy" They sigh and walk away. I sit there and wait for class to end. It's just taking too long.

After finally getting out of class i walk do the hall and adjust my backpack. A few more girls start whispering and swear i hear my name. Being self cautious i put my head down. One of the girls walk over to me. "Hello Damion." I slightly lookup. Ugg it's one of those girls who is into me and SuperWhoLock. Who or what ever that is I dont wanna know. "Hello Christina" I reply against my will. "So I was wondering if you want to watch some Supernatural with me this weekend? You seem like you would like it!" I finally look at her all the way. "For the last time i don't care about your boats-" "Ships" "Ships. Or your LockSuperWho or whatever it is you watch." She frowns a little. "It's SuperWhoLock and it's 3 different yet similar shows. I thought it would be nice for us to hang out and spend some time together." I start glaring at her. "Go away! I'm not into you! I do not like you in any attraction" She looks ready to cry, and if i have ever been taught anything from my dad, it's that you don't make women cry. "I-I mean you seem really nice but i have my friends who like what i like and you have yours." She gives a small smile before walking away. She didn't know i lied. Most people don't like me. I only attract the weird geeky people who watch Harry Potter and read Divergent. None of that nonsense is real. Everybody knows that. 'It's stupid to dress up and pretend' I think as i turn around and see all her friends glaring at me. One even has a shirt with a blue box on it. SOOOO unattractive. I walk to my next class quietly.

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