The Wedding

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The day of the wedding... You know you was getting ready for the wedding and he was so nervous.

"I am so nervous." Yuuri thought.

Yuuri then hears a knock on the door.

"Come in." Yuuri said.

"Hey Heika." Conrad said.

"Hey Conrad." Yuuri said.

"How are you doing?" Conrad asked.

"I'm really nervous Conrad." Yuuri said.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Conrad said.

"Yeah I hope so." Yuuri said.

"It will, don't worry about it and besides it Wolfram what could go wrong?" Conrad said.

"Your right Conrad, thank you." Yuuri said feeling a little bit better.

"Your welcome, now go out there and do your best." Conrad said.

"Ok I will." Yuuri said.

So Yuuri and Wolfram both made their way down the aisle and the wedding began.

"We are gathered here today to wed this lovely couple Yuuri Shibuya and Wolfram von Bielfield in holly matrimony. Do you Yuuri Shibuya take Wolfram von Bielfield to be your awful wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" Ulrike asked.

"I do." Yuuri said.

"Do you Wolfram von Bielfield take Yuuri Shibuya to be your awful wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" Ulrike asked.

"I do." Wolfram said.

"Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss your king." Ulrike said.

Yuuri gave Wolfram a deep and very passionate kiss and everyone clapped.

That's the end! Hope you enjoyed! Thank you guys so much for reading my story it means a lot, thanks again and see you guys next time. Bye!

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