since the two littles rarely ever go out because of secrecy, yoongi gets ready to reply with a firm no.

"please suga suga?" jimin pleads, his eyes twinkling ever so innocently and his small hands grip onto his caregivers.


"yay!" both boys exclaim in unison.

they get up from their spots and get themselves ready to go.

yoongi makes sure the hallway and staircase is empty before he let's the two boys out. they giddily walk beside him with huge grins.

ah the door is right there and no one has spotted us, yoongi thinks with a sigh.

his words are taken right back when taehyung waltzes out from the kitchen and over to them. "hey yoongi hyung!" he smiles, then his eyes flicker over to the other two, "hey...guys."

jungkook stays silent, he's still super shy about the kiss.

"hi tae tae! we are going to lotte's! i'm gonna get chicken nuggets and it will be so much fun!" jimin boasts with the most adorable smile ever. 

a laugh is wanting to come from taehyung, but he forces it back. "that's cool chim! you gonna get a toy with those nuggets as well? and a booster seat?"

yoongi frowns and wonders if a punch to the throat or a kick to the groin would hurt longer.

"the meal does come with a toy! i think it's a little beanie baby! and they don't have booster seats..i think." jimin taps his chin in thought and looks to the ceiling for an answer.

the reaction makes taehyung burst out laughing, "i was just kidding you dumbass!"

both littles gasp and cover their mouths.

"you said a naughty word!" jimin states.

kook's eyes widen, "do you want santa to give you coal for christmas??"

another look of lost crosses his features, his laughing quiets out and he just studies the two. so many questions flood his mind and he doesn't know where to start.

"we should get going," yoongi chimes in while pushing the two gently out the door. he waves at taehyung and quickly closes the door behind him. "aish."


"can we go play now?"

yoongi sees that both of their meals have been eaten all up, "yes."

both shoot up for the playground, kook goes ahead and sprints away while jimin gets tugged back by the waist.

he falls back onto his hyung's lap, "huh?"

"your hands are dirty, let me clean them."

yoongi grabs some napkins and cleans the chicken nugget crumbs from the others small hands and chubby cheeks. he plants a soft kiss on his forehead and let's him go play with kook.

half an hour passes of him watching the younger ones run around the jungle gym and ball pit. he eventually needs to use the toilet, so he glances over a couple times then heads inside the bathroom.

"tag! you are it!" kook laughs, he throws himself into the ball pit and swims away from the entrance. he expects the other to follow, except he doesn't. "jiminie?"

his arms swing around the pole by the entrance and he sticks his head out. he spots his friend over at the slide, next to some older man.

"uhm.." he approaches the two.

jimin pipes up at his presence, "kookie! guess what? this is sungjoun and he says that he has five doggies in his car!"

"five doggies?! so many!" kook gasps.

the older man chuckles and smiles darkly, "yes i sure do. would you like to see them?"

both nod vigorously, since they absolutely love dogs so very much.

"alright, follow me." he takes both of their hands and guides them out of the playground and outside of the place. no one is suspicious, considering it's three adults.

"i wonder what doggies you have!"

"yeah! small or big doggies?"

he opens the car door, "look for yourself."

they peep their heads inside and look around, all that is there is metal suitcases under the seats and another man dressed all in black like some secret spy.

"where's the do-"

kook is cut off as he feels him and jimin get shoved into the car. the door is slammed shut and locked.

jimin looks super scared and hugs onto his friend, "SUGA SUGA HEEELP!"

the car is driven away quickly.

"jimin!?" yoongi looks around the playground, "jungkook?!"

he scans the whole place, and finds neither. the place has no security cameras and no one saw anything strange happen.

"dammit," yoongi cries out. his legs feel weak and he feels super nauseous. he's gotta do what he's gotta do, "hello yes it's yoongi. namjoon listen to me, jimin and jungkook are missing."

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