Dead by garlight

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Dead by Garlight (garuku bluemoon x  bloody Nessy 666)










◇ Story line ◇

Gar is in love with someone. And do everything fo her. Like killing in a Game .


Feels and gore and swearing 

Have fun 😘 

" ninner ninner chicken dinner " Say Dan how play as the HILLBILLY IN DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. " NO NO daaaaan " Say Nin to Dan how hook her on a hook . Then Dan go after Wade. Nessy Molly and Gar try to grap nin . But Dan is smart and start to camp her. " CAMPER "say nessy Screaming . And try to be a distraction for him " ooooo Nessy you know I want DAT ASS  " say Dan . The Nessy run and jumpt out the window. But he hit her. Nessy fall on the ground. And Dan go through the window and grap Nessy. " Nessy let's Make out .... Find a hook for ya " Say Dan " Make out? " Ask Molly " uuu nope " Say Dan " I swear to God you say Make out   ." Say Nin. Then Dan put Nessy on a hook. " do the fucking generators quickly . Dan you fuck" Say Nessy ." Yes Ness the fuck Dan " Say Gar. And Nin got off the hook. With help of Molly. Gar try to be sneaky to help Nessy " Nessy don't worry I'll grap you. " Say Nin . Then Dan chase Nin. Gar wait until Dan is gone. Then Gar grap Nessy .  And go to the generator. Five generations. Are done . And Wade open the Door. " GUYS QUICK COME HER " say Wade. Nin Molly and Wade escape. But Gar and Nessy. Can't escape. Because Nessy is chasing by Dan. Gar try to be distraction from her . And try to body block him. Nessy run to the exit. But Dan hit her. And Gar escape accidentally. Then Dan hit Nessy Again. And Nessy fall on the ground. But craw to the escape. And finely escape from The BREADHERODAN ." FUCK YOU DAN SUCK SOME MANY DICKS " Say Nessy. And look at the score. The talk with her friends. " oke Nessy's turn " Say Nin . " all right then " Say Nessy. And click on her favorite killer. So the match starts . " so Nessy what killer are you. " Say Dan " i won't tell " say Nessy . So the the game starts . Then she try to look for Dan. Then she finds him " howdy I'm Nessy. Nessy the haggy " Say Nessy and hit Dan." AAAAA HOLY FUCK. THE TREE GIRL " Say Dan " get rekt " Say Nessy. And garp him a put him on a hook " well I'll try to MAKE OUT. How should I kill." Say Nessy . And try to find little Wadey. " aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Scream Wade. " Wadey let's murder you " Say Nessy. And murder Wade " you bitch. " Say Wade. " if you helpt me in the first game. Than you could survive Wade " Say Nessy. And run to Molly how save Dan " mollu no don't do that " Say Nessy. Then she teleports to Gar. " aáaaaà" Scream Gar in his highest pitched scream ever " ooopes " Say Nessy. Then Gar run to the window. But Nessy try to find Dan " DAAAAANNNIELLL WHERE THE FUCK ARE YA " Say Nessy like she is EDDIE GLUSKIN OF OUTLAST. "Dan " Say Nessy. " no " Say Dan " dan " Say Nessy " no " Say Dan. Then she find him. And murder him " fuck you Nessy  " Say Dan " no problem " Say Nessy. And hund for Nin Molly and Gar " how many generators " Say Molly " one " Say Nin " fuck " Say Gar . Nessy Kick a generator. So it's a little more difficult for them. Then Nessy teleprompters to Nin. And Nessy hit Nin two times. And kill her. " bitches in the snitches " Say Nin. " I'm so sorry but i have a master DAN 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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