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Marina's POV:

"I'm sorry to interrupt your girl talk, but we left the dog at home, and I have a feeling that Circles is going to kill him momentarily." Alex put his hands over my shoulders.

"Oh, that's right. We should probably get going." I said to Cass. "But thank you, again, for having us. And congratulations!"

"Thank you for coming! See you soon." She said as we walked away.

Tonight was a beautiful, May night, the evening of Cass and Rian's engagement party. Yes, they finally got engaged. So many things had happened in the past six months.

Colby and Luke spent the hollidays together, and they toured with us, ATL, and PTV during the winter. However, once spring hit, he was caught making out with Jenna in a picture, and Colby went apeshit. He explained that it was a spin the bottle situation, and he was also forced to kiss Calum and Whakaio. Colby forgave him, but there was still so much bitterness. I prayed things would be fine this summer, when we'd all tour together again for Warped.

Kianna and Tony were going strong. He ended up selling his apartment and moving into Kianna's house. His name was put on the lease almost immediately, which is more than I could say for Alex and I. I knew Kianna would never leave SD, amd that was perfectly okay. It was her zone. Colby, however, moved to Baltimore for a change of scenery. You know, to give Kianna and Tony some privacy. She ended up hating it, and is currently in the process of moving back to SD, into a medium sized apartment.

Medium sized, yes. The band had gotten an amazing oppurtunity in March. We were asked to acoustically perform Bittersweet Nineteen on a series of late night talk shows, and the song was featured on Glee. I personally loved their rendition. As a result, our album had a major spike in sales, making us retain extra money from that, and getting a raise from our label.

The little spotlight from the mainstream world was so intimidating. I worried so hard about fans thinking we were selling out. In fact, the girls did, too. We used to be this little secret, and now, we were turning into a status similar to Green Day or Blink. Alex became my guiding light. He was the one who really spelt it out for me; we were becoming popular household names. We weren't pop, we still had our punk. We were doing the right thing.

Emily and Zack and the baby were doing amazing. Hazel actually toured with us. The money was so helpful in getting us a baby-friendly bus. The crew (including hard-ass Michelle) was on one bus, and our band was on the other. Same with All Time Low. Zack, Emily, and the baby all got their own bus. It took away from them partying with us quite a bit, but at the same time, at least two people (and it didn't always have to be them) were sober and taking care of Hazel. The great thing about having a village to raise a child is that someone's always there. Jack was definitely the top babysitter. Speaking of Jack, he hadn't changed at all. No girlfriend, just solo. He was getting over Kianna, and I was proud of him.

As for Alex and I, well, I was having the time of my life. We finally got some free time over the hollidays to put my name on the lease. Now, the home was officially ours, and I couldn't just walk out again. We spent nearly every second together, whether it was writing a new song, or watching movies. It was pointless to separate the bands on buses, because we always slept together, no matter what. We argued sometimes, but not often, and never in front of people. But it was only ever about important stuff, like money or when I was getting my name on the house. Otherwise, we were so far up each other's asses that we could hardly see a world without each other. 

I loved him. I loved him more than anything in the world. He was my everything. His every movement was just so fascinating and capturing. I felt like he was the puzzle piece that fir with mine. For once, everything was okay. I didn't have to dream of better days because I had perfect ones every morning. I wanted to tell him how beautiful he was, every moment. I wanted to press his lips to mine and stand in his arms because nowhere else felt quite as homely. I loved him.

Somewhere In Neverland (Sequel to Oh, Calamity)Where stories live. Discover now