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  Vanessa's POV
"Randy! Are you ready to go?" I yelled. For the first time in 3 long months we get to go home for 3 weeks. "Kaylee baby go see where your daddy is." We take our daughter everywhere since both of us are on the road. She's six years old so she enjoys all the places we go. "I'm coming baby!" I heard Randy yell while coming into the living room with Kaylee on his back. "I got him ma!" Kaylee yelled as they came to me. "Good job baby girl!" I swear her and Randy are the same person. They act and look just alike and I love every bit of it. We got our things on the car and headed home. "You ready to go home baby!" Randy said to our daughter. She just smiled and shook her head. It was about a 23 hour drive from Tampa Florida to St. Louis Missouri. We finally made it home and I have never been so happy to see our drive way before. "Kaylee hunny wake up we're home." Randy getting the sleeping child out of the car. We went inside and I just laid out on the couch, Kaylee was wake by now. Randy laid on the floor. "I've missed this floor so much!" Randy said faced down on the floor. Kaylee went down there next to her father and laid down too "We missed you house! Did you miss us?" See the same person haha! "Are my babies hungry?" I asked them. "Yes momma!" They both said. "What do you guys want?" "Lasagna!!" They love lasagna so much! I went into the kitchen to start dinner "Ma I'm gonna go play!" Kaylee said as she ran to her room. While putting diner in the oven I felt arms wrap around me "I love you baby." He said while kissing my shoulder.This man still gets me everytime . "I love you too Randy." We went into the living room and sat on the couch. Randy stood up to take his shirt off. Even though I've known this man all my life and see him in a speedo at work he still makes me blush whenever I see him without a shirt. "Babe you're still sexy as ever." I said with a wink. "I get better with age." He winked at me. I still blush dang! He's got me good. Dinner was done 15 minutes later. "Randy baby can you go get Kaylee to eat?" I asked while cutting the bread and lasagna. He went and got our daughter. The phone started ringing. I went to answer it " Hello?" "This Vanessa?" "Yeah? Who is this?" "Be ready!" They hung up after that. I was confused but I shook it off and had dinner with my family. But still what was that?  

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