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  No one's POV

Randy and Vanessa have a very big problem on their hands. They no longer have time and Randy doesn't t know if hes actually ready yet. Now, they have to break the news to Randy's parents about the change of plans. All Vanessa wants to do is end this and finally move on.

Vanessa's POV

Randy and I trained and trained and trained all the rest of the day and night. I didn't know how many days were actually left but time was running out. As we were taking a break I decided to call Randy's father. 'Hey Bob, something has come up and-' he cut me off 'I know Nessa and don't worry your daughter is fine and safe. Just finish this.' He quickly hung up. Randy walked over to me completely exhausted "Everything okay?" I just shook my head. "Yeah but you need to rest for awhile" I said. "I don't need-" I cut him off. "Randy go rest, please. I gotta figure things out. I want to finish this tonight..." His eyes got big "T-tonight? I don't think I'm ready" I grabbed his face. "You were never meant to be apart of this at all and I can't say sorry enough for getting you and our daughter in the middle of this... This was never supposed to happen." He looked down "Randy you aren't supposed to be ready for this cause you were never a part of it.. I can finish this myself." I went into the weapons room and grabbed 4 guns and a couple knives. "Plans changed babe! I'm doing this tonight on my own. Don't try and stop me or come with me. ' I yelled . Randy came in the room and just looked at me. "Vanessa.." I snapped my head in his direction. I didn't need him trying to talk me out of this right now. I was gonna end this finally. "Randy, don't-" He kissed me cutting me off. "End this." I kissed him back. Kissed him as if it was my last time..

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