Chapter Two

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As the nurse spoke those abominable words, her bittersweet voice ,which was formerly reminiscent of honey, was tainted by the grim information she relayed. "I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Mr. Mires, you have developed a severe case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Every ounce of color drained from my face, leaving me pale with terror. I attempted to speak, but all that came out was incoherent mumbling. Dread flooded over me like a tidal wave, dominating my emotions, as I sank deeper into my own despair. Barely managing a whisper, I uttered a hushed reply.

"N-no, no, please... T-there must be some kind of mistake." Nurse Mayura placed her hand on my shoulder. Her crystal blue eyes were clouded with pity and sorrow for my predicament as she spoke. "Please relax Mr. Mires, there is nothing that we can do for you other than suggesting that you seek counseling, or even therapy." I raised my hands to my head, and gripped my short brown hair in worry and frustration. Emotions whirled through my head like a vortex, ripping apart my mind like glass with doubt, fear, and desperation.

As the minutes ticked on, it felt as though my melancholy only deepened, opening up like a cavern into the depths of the gloomy ocean. Seconds and minutes dragged on for an eternity. My heart felt like it was stopped up, unable to function as it used to in my boyhood. I was no longer in control of my own emotions, and I was left powerless to fear over even the sight of a small Pokémon. I needed to learn to deal with this newfound fear, or learn to get over it entirely. But I had no clue where to begin.

I wanted to get better, but I was so scared of therapy that I couldn't tolerate the idea of it.. I lost myself in my thoughts for nearly an hour. When I came back to my senses, I glanced about the hospital room that I laid in, and realized that Nurse Mayura had exited the room while I was stuck in my daze. Suddenly alone with my newfound depression, I decided to go back to sleep, and let my mind rest on the new information that had been delivered to me. Not to mention how to deal with it.

[C]~=~Time Skip: 2 Days~=~

A couple of days passed, with rest and treatment, I was eventually released to go to my home. In total I spent a week and three days in the hospital, most of which I was unconscious for. My twenty-two year old sister, Marie came to pick me up in my truck, and take me to my house. Being a twenty-eight year old has its perks. She took it upon herself to obsess over whether I was okay, or whether I was dying on the inside, which I was. Though I did not let her know, she could tell I was hiding it to spare her the heartache. However, she decided to share with me a very crucial detail about my home life that I would have very much appreciated to be warned of. Marie giggled at me and smiled that evil little sister smile of hers, and spoke with her energetic tone.

"Just FYI, Mom and I may or may not have gotten you a new roommate!" I looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean by that..?" We pulled into the driveway of my humble little house that she kept clean for me while I was away in exchange for her living there. Maria parked my truck, and tossed me the keys to my home. I steadily eased my way up to the front porch, being cautious to not rip open the multitude of stitches that crossed about my torso. I slid the key into the lock, and rotated it to the side. Upon opening the door, my eyes flew open wide with terror and shock as I saw my mother sitting in the floor with a small orange puppy Pokémon. My mother and sister had gotten me a Growlithe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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