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Could it be that there is someone out there for me that will quench all of my thirsts? Is it possible that no matter what I say or do, whatever I desire, or whatever I share, will be accepted by another? What if it is dark? Or taboo? Does that even cross anyone's mind anymore?

     Are fantasies meant to come to life or are we all supposed to just live this life, without any flavor? I realize it could essentially be uncomfortable for some to accept or even hear or acknowledge, but you know what? He makes my dark come to light. He likes it. I like it. And when he pulls me into his grasp, with just the right amount of pressure, and my body writhes in pleasure as he takes me to the edge of my sharpest point, I know at that moment I don't really give a damn whether or not what I choose is acknowledged. I just know I go to that place in my head... that place where my forehead goes numb, and I hear his raspy growl in my ear... "Now that I have your attention. Kneel. That's right. Good girl."

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