"I'm so sorry I'm late, the bloody traffic was terrible." she turned, smiling over to see the said British man running over to her, his coat was just about hanging off of him and he his blond hair was all messy. She shook her head, "It's fine... and besides, I've been late before." She remembered the amount of times she had been running late, mainly because she had woken up to late and lied about the traffic, but other than that, she had let it slide.

"I hope you c-can forgive me for being so late love... I'll pay it all back to you... I promise... how about I pay for our drinks?" He suggested, and he was still trying to catch his breath. She dismissed it quickly, "No, honestly, it's fine... we can still split the bill." he nodded, agreeing, a smile on his face.

"Okay... well, I don't know about you... I don't want to freeze my arse out here... shall we go inside?" He asked. She nodded, linking arms with him, as she felt him tense, but he didn't pull her away, as they both walked inside the shop.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The two finished their coffee and to Y/N, it felt like it was normal enough. The two talked like they normally did, and nothing didn't seem anymore different from previous days out together. He was always a good listener and attentive to what she had to say, and she felt like he was always like that with anyone, regardless of it being her or someone else.

She didn't think much more of it, as he led her out of the coffee shop and doing most gentlemanly things like holding the door open for her of the shop, swerving out the way so she didn't walk into a large puddle and even going out of his way to open the car door for her when it begun heavily raining.

She thought it was just his nature to be so polite and act like a gentleman to any lady, and as he drove off, she couldn't help but think of what would happen once she got to Allistor's house and how he would change drastically.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The first time Y/N went to Allistor's home, she couldn't help but think how beautiful it looked. The exterior as well as the interior was all beyond majestic to her eyes, and she thought of how homely and cosy it felt. They drove into the driveway and once they were at the door, they were greeted by Arthur's older brother, a bright smile on his face and a cigarette drag in the corner of his lips.

 They drove into the driveway and once they were at the door, they were greeted by Arthur's older brother, a bright smile on his face and a cigarette drag in the corner of his lips

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"Well, ain't it me wee brother and lassie. 'Tis good to see ya Y/N!" He gave Arthur a noogie and gave Y/N a tight hug, the smell of smoke burning her nostrils, but she didn't mind. "What did I bloody tell you about doing that?" Arthur grumbled, his eyes darting over to Y/N, a light blush on his cheeks.

Allistor bellowed out a laugh, slapping harshly the back of his brother's back, making him stumble forward. "Would ya look at that? Little old Artie is blushin' like a tomato!" He hugged him a bit too tightly, and Y/N was still on the other side of his arms.

The Scotsman looked over from Arthur to Y/N, a large smile on his face, his eyebrows raised, he looked smug between them too. "Can we come in then?" Arthur asked, and he was already growing impatient. Allistor smiled as he allowed them to come in eventually.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The three had been sitting in the living room for some hours now, talking and chatting amongst themselves about things and their lives. Y/N did have to occasionally the remarks Allistor made about her and Arthur, some including things like, 'It's great to see you two so close together' or 'It's the first time I've seen Artie so happy with a girl home' and other things that made Y/N feel slightly worried.

So, he did know, or it was that he was trying to make it more obvious that she like him? She was unsure, but what didn't help was that Arthur's reactions each time; he would complain about his brother's ignorance, yet the blush on his cheeks told us otherwise that he was infact embarrassed.

After some time though, Allistor said he would be in the back garden taking a cigarette, leaving both Arthur and Y/N alone once again. Y/N had been sitting in the small arm chair, whilst Arthur had been sitting in the much bigger couch. Y/N sighed as she shuffled to go sit beside Arthur and taking the Scot's seat.

"I'm terribly sorry about him Y/N... I d-don't know what he's on about." Arthur repeatedly apologised throughout the whole time, and it made Y/N smile at how considerate he could be.

"Arthur..." She had to call him to coax him out, but it took some more rambling on from his side to finally get his attention. "Artie..." she finally managed to bring him out, both hands cupping his cheeks as she pulled him to look over at her.

His green eyes widened, and now both of them had blushing cheeks (Y/N's was more toned down), "I-It's fine... honestly... I don't have any trouble with it. Brothers will be brothers. I've enjoyed your company well enough today Artie... don't fret." she softly spoke, and she could feel how he suddenly managed to relax in her arms.

He blinked like he was dreaming, and he smiled, "I did too l-love... I-'ll be honest... I've always e-enjoyed your company. It seems like you're the only one who can put up with me." He replied. Y/N inched closer to him, their knees blushing against each other.

"I don't you are. I think you're great... honestly. I... really like you, and I'm glad you're friends with me..." she confessed, as she waited for his reaction. His mouth opened slightly, and he looked both shocked and surprised at her words, that she worried she had ruined all chances now with him.

"S-Sh*t." she mumbled, profusely apologising as she moved her hands to cover her face, avoiding his face. Arthur's eyes softened, as he gently took her hands away from her face, and instead of placing them down on her lap, he held them carefully in his own hands.

"Y/N... love..." he murmured and suddenly, he was leaning in until his lips met hers shyly. She squeaked, but allowed herself to scoot closer, feeling his cup the side of her face as they timidly kissed one another. "Well well." they both pulled back suddenly, their heads turning towards the entrance to see Allistor standing there, a large smirk on his face.

"Me wee bro has his own lassie now... I'm so proud." He smiled as he wondered back out of the living room, before so dimming the lights more to have a bit more darkness, a orange hue coming from some candles.

"I'll leave ya two to it... I'll be makin' some tea if ya need me."

I kinda cringed at how bad the dialogue was for poor Allistor (is it Allistor, Alistair? I know some people write it as Allister. Oh well...) HOPEFULLY IT WASN'T TOO BAD! LET ME KNOW WHO YOU WANT ME TO WRITE NEXT! We have left now Tino, Berwald and Francis. PLEASE LET ME KNOW, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO HEAR WHICH ONE YOU WOULD LIKE!!

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