Jailor x GF (good frog)

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"I investigated him last night. He's either a Godfather or Mayor." The Investigator announces, pointing in the civilian's direction. The accused did not seem to react, instead favouring the lynching of a different person.

"Well?" A different person speaks up. She brushes her hair out of her eyes before speaking again. "Aren't you going to reveal? Or are you really the Godfather, as the Investigator suggests?" The accused snickered for a moment, before returning to the accusations on the person next to them.

Still no answer or reveal. The rest of the town seemed completely ignorant of their situation, and continued with the lynching. Luckily for the town, the lynched member was the Serial Killer. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, she struck the accused unconscious and dragged them to their jail.

When he woke up, the Jailor was ready.

"So, you're the Godfather, eh?" Her voice seemed to put the accused in a trance. "...Hey, I'm speaking to you. ANSWER." Still, he remained silent. The Jailor stole a glance at the window, keeping track of the amount of time she had left before his execution.

"My children will avenge me." She quickly looked back at her captive. "T-The Family won't fall that easily." Was he...stuttering? It seemed so out of character for the leader of the Mafia. He stretched a little before standing up and looking at the Jailor straight in the eyes.

His 'children', she thought. What a strange way to refer to your underlings. She strutted over to the pistol lying on her desk, making sure that it was loaded and ready to be fired.

"...You seem awfully calm about this entire ordeal. Did you expect to be found out that easily?" The Jailor still had a few minutes before sunrise, which meant there could be a bit more small talk before his death.

"I was aware that I was walking on eggshells. Could you-" The Godfather hesitated for a moment. "-bake some cookies? For the entire town." His request shocked the Jailor. The hard-boiled leader of the Mafia asking her to bake cookies? What kind of outrageous request was that?

Nodding her head slightly, she quickly aimed the gun at the Godfather. "I've got it. Is there anything else, such as final words, the names of the Mafia members, milk?" He chuckled at her bad attempt at humour.

"Tell everyone...that I'm sorry." His charming smile caused the Jailor to hesitate for a moment. "My newly appointed Mafioso must be so upset..." His smile faltered at that statement. "I p-probably shouldn't have told you that."

She quickly pulled the trigger. As he sank to his knees, blood dripping down from his forehead, the Jailor quickly changed part of her Last Will.

N2: Jailed the Godfather. He was extremely accepting of his death, and hinted at other Mafia members still around. Strange guy, wish he wasn't that bad.

As the sun rose, everyone was not surprised when they saw the dead body of the Godfather lying in the streets. The coroner gave him a quick examination, checking for the Death Note and his Last Will.

"He was executed by the Jailor. His Death Note states: 'cookies for the town, says he's sorry'. His Last Will states: 'Jailor was a wonderful person. Sad they didn't join the Family.'"

Quiet sobbing could be heard from a certain member of the town. The same one who had given cookies to everyone that morning.

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