Bond I

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   A few years later

  It was now a peaceful morning, Pidgies and Spearows chirping away, Marills and and Azurills playing by the riverbank. All in all, it was a peaceful morning, until...

" Hieee!! I'm gonna be late! ", a high pitch voice echoed through the sky from a decent two-storey house.

  A few random thuds and banging resounded until an adolescent with chestnut gravity defying hair rushed out of the housed with a rather small Eevee with him.

" Ittekimasu!  I'm going to Prof. Oak's lab! ", the brunet yelled with a bread in his hand and his Eevee in the other.

" Itterashai, Tsu-nii!! ", a havana brown haired girl waved at him.

" Itterashai~ ", the woman with short brown hair smiled as she watch her son departing.

~A few minutes later~

  The door to the lab was harshly shoved open revealing a brunet with a small Eevee in his arms

" I'm sorry that I'm late, Professor ! ", he panted as he uttered apologies after apologies while bowing to an elderly man.

" It's okay, Tsunayoshi. You must have overslept again, didn't you? ",  Prof. Oak smiled at the boy's antic .

  " I didn't mean to...", Tsuna lowered his head, having a kicked puppy expression.

"'t worry, Tsunayoshi-kun! You were probably excited for today ",  Prof. Oak glanced at the boy, seeing him nodding his head exhuberently." Well then, here's your pokedex!", the Professor handed a red device to Tsuna, who was excited to receive it,  " and  I don't think you'll need a starter pokemon, do you? ", Prof. Oak inquired.

" No, not at all! Aimaru is enough as my starter pokemon ", Tsuna beamed  joyfully." Thank you! ".

" Oh, one more thing— that pokedex is a worldwide dex in case you ventured out of this region ", the professor added.

" Thank you ,Professor! ", Tsuna beamed and scurried home with Aimaru tailing from behind.

I'm a trainer now!
I'll be going on an adventure!

His footstep fasten at this thought, grinning like a madman until one thing struck his mind.

I'll have to leave home, mom and more importantly, Sera...

He halted in midrun, eyes casted down. When Aimaru suddenly perch on his shoulder, he quickly get rid of the thought.

I can still communicate with them via tech gadgets! No big deal!

  With that he hurriedly made his way back home so he  could pack up his necessities. But, as soon as he arrived home, he was greeted by a tackle from his sister.

" You're back, Tsu-nii!!! ", Sera exclaimed happily. " Guess who came back after 7 years?", she questioned with eyes gleaming in anticipation.

" Who? ", Tsuna asked, confused.

" Yasu-nii and Dad! They came in just a minute ago. They're in the living room. Thay said they have good news! ", Sera anwered gleefully.

Both Tsuna and his sister strode to the living room, happy that the family would be whole after few years apart. When both of them reach the living room, they we're greeted by their parents' warm smile and their brother's longingness.

" Now that Tuna is here, I'll announce the good news ", the head of the family, Iemitsu, started, " from now on we'll never be far apart, so, we'll all be staying together in...", Sera faked a drumroll, adding extra suspense in Iemitsu's announcement ," Unova Region! ".

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