Going Back

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(A/N I'm sorry I wasn't able to update as often as I said things just happen hope ya don't mind... On with the story then)

2 years earlier:

"....." "Kiera" It's dark. I can't see anything but I hear someone saying my name."Come on Kiera get up!" .... Whaa... I can't I can't open my eyes! Everything is darkness around me! Please help me I don't like this some one, anyone?"KIERA!!!" "AHH!!! OWW WHY DID YOU HIT ME?" I wake up with a brutal slap to the face. "Get your lazy ass up. We have Tennis today!" What... when did i.... oh right I only joined because this girl right here wanted me too. "All right I'm up, Vannesa" Vannesa is my best friend, i was spending the night. Vannesa had a rather Afro type hair style it went down to her knees. She keeps it in a pony tail though and it's a blue shade. As well as her clothes she loves tank tops. She has a Infinity sign on her shirt, she never told me why though. But what makes her special is that she is part Vampire Cat it's actually pretty cool. In the past she got tessed about it but now she doesn't care now. "Kiera do you have your racket?" Vannesa asked. " Yeah I got it you ready to go yet?" "Yeah, MOM WERE LEAVING NOW!!!!"Vannesa yelled. " JUST GO ALREADY SO I CAN FU-I MEAN..... HAVE FUN SWEETIES!!!!!". I was done after that.... I don't think Vannesa notice what she said though but I didn't want to tell her not when were going to Tennis.

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