Years of My Life (3)

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Chapter Three

Huntress's P.O.V.

I woke up in the room I was in before I passed out. And I didn't die. Stupid idiotic moron. Speak of the devil and he shall return. Thorne walked in and told me, "We're gonna have more guests. Be good. Let's not have a repeat of yesterday."

And with that, he walked away to go somewhere. I have no clue where. Taking this chance, I looked down to see how bad the first cut he did yesterday was. I looked down and almost gasped in surprise. Instead of his usual cuts or swirls, he spelled out the word 'victim.' Oh, how that brings back memories from the last time he carved a word into my back. It was the word 'bitch' on my upper rib cage. Good times, good times. Note the sarcasm.

I heard a knocking sound from what I assume is the door. Then there's footsteps. I hear the door opening. Then there's more footsteps. Sounds like a pack of elephants. About twenty five guys walk into the room. I don't recognize any of them, besides Aiden and River from yesterday. All the men range from ages twenty-one to thirty-six, besides River. He is the only teenage looking guy in the room.

Thorne walks into the room just then. He looks around and then says, "OK. Let's get down to business. This is the girl I told you all about and you all want to buy her, so I am going to sell her off."

Then a guy in his thirties says, "Actually, there's been a change of plans. We are going to take the girl back to her family and you are going to jail."

I think I'm still dreaming.

"Who the hell says I have to go any where?" Thorne yells.

"We are all part of S.W.A.T. Besides River. And we are going to arrest you for kidnapping, abuse, acts of terrorism to the U.S.A., human trafficking, illegal street fighting, and murder." Wow, I didn't know he even did half of that!

Thorne then decides to pull out a gun and point it to my temple. I didn't even flinch. I just closed my eyes and welcomed death.

"Don't move or the bitch gets shot in her head!" Thorne screams. Then a gunshot goes off. I still don't flinch. I realized that I wasn't the one that got shot and opened my eyes to see that a group of about another thirty guys came in and one guy shot Thorne in his leg. Thorne was on the ground clutching his leg as the S.W.A.T. guys came around him. Before they could get too close, Thorne picked up his gun and aimed it at my head. I just stared at him with a neutral expression. As he pulled the trigger, Aiden leaped at him and tried moving his hand and tried to make him hit the wall. The trigger was pulled. A gunshot came off. There was a searing pain in my side. I felt blood coming out of me. Darkness was trying to overpower me. Hopefully, I will finally die. Although, I've been wishing that for years and t hasn't worked out yet. I doubt it will this time.

The last thing I saw was River kneeling down next to me and putting pressure on my wound. I think he was yelling my name. My real name, not slut, bitch, whore, or anything like that. He yelled Huntress. Then I fell into a black whole.


I didn't dream about a single thing. It was like I was in between the stages of life and death. I couldn't feel, hear, or see anything but black. Every once in awhile I could hear a beeping noise or someone talking or I could feel a pressure on my hand like someone was holding it. But that's insane, right? The only person I'm around for more than an hour is Thorne. And the only contact we have is him torturing me.

I wonder what happened. How did I get like this? Am I finally dying? Or is it some new drug that Thorne's having me try. I hope not. That happened once before when I was about twelve and all I know is, it didn't work and it makes you not remember a single thing. This is leaving me to think too much. Thinking is bad. It always leads to painful memories. I need to wake up. But my eyes feel glued shut. I'm tired. I'll try to wake up later.


I'm finally awake. I know I was in a coma. I have been in it so many times, I have become used to it. All I had to do now was open my eyes and I'll be fine again. Well, as fine as I could be under the circumstances. I was about to open my eyes when I heard voices.

"Why won't she wake up? It's been three days already!" A male voice said.

"I don't know if she'll ever wake up. She's very malnourished and weak." A different male voice said. I knew they would beat me either way, so I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. As usual, I ignored the pain that radiated off of everywhere on me. I looked around and saw Aiden, River, and another unknown man standing at the end of my bed. Bed? Why am I on a bed? Where am I?

They must of seen a look of panic and fear or something because Aiden spoke up and said, "Calm down, we aren't going to hurt you." at the same time River said, "Lay back down! Do you want to open back up your stitches?"

I surprised myself by snapping back, "What do you expect me to do? Lay back down so you can rape me? You both work for Thorne and stood there as he tortured me. Why should I trust you?" With that, all three boys winced and I started freaking out, thinking that I would be punished once again.

"Why would you think we would hurt you?" Asked the boy who I have yet to figure out his name. He looks sort of familiar. But that doesn't matter.

I refused to answer. Then River spoke up and said, "If you lay back down, then we can explain everything." I was curious about what was going on and why Thorne hasn't beat the crap out of me yet, so I laid down with a wince. I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood so I wouldn't scream from the pain. As soon as I was situated, I stared at them expectantly.

"OK, so, who wants to tell her?" Aiden asked.

"I'll do it!" River exclaims.

"Man, calm down, if we didn't know better, I would think you had a crush on her." Aiden teased as the unnamed boy that looks around River's age glared at him.

"Of course I don't! I mean, you're a very pretty girl and all, but I think a certain someone would have a problem like that and I don't like you like that. And..." River stuttered out nervously with pink cheeks.

"It's OK. I get it. Now just tell me what I'm doing here." I said with a voice void of any emotion realizing that I shouldn't trust these strange people.

I must have shocked them all with my emotions, or lack there of because It took a few minutes before the three guys to snap out of it and for River to tell me the story. And so he began.


Picture of Aiden to the side --------------->

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