Chapter 1

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Prefect ....everything was prefect. The sun was setting ,the birds were  chirping away . She was just laying her head against his chest and playing with their interwined fingers .  After few min he called  her
"Habibi "
'Hmmm' she  replied
He looked down  from scenary and saw that she has stopped playing  with their fingers and seems to be in deep thought .
"What is the matter?"he asked her again
'Mmm ,nothing 'she replied and  suddenly moved away from him .
"You know that you can't hide anything from me . You are doing it again .
"This "he pointed at her lips
She was  chewing her lower lips in between her teeth  .
'Oh' and she suddenly looked down .
He moved towards and took her arms
And   said " you know that you can share anything  to me .
His right hand  moved to push back the curtain of hair that kept her face  hidden from his eyes .
His habibi's beautiful eyes stared back at him in apprehension .
His hand moved to stroke  her cheek and he heard her taking sudden intake of breath .
' i am happy that we are together but dadi used to say that ..i mean i have a gut feeling that something is going to happen . She poured out her feelings to him.
He stopped stroking her cheek and cupped her face with his two hands  and told her "my dear,nothing is going to happen and if anything happens too we will face it together"  and kissed her  forehead 
'What if we are ...
"Shhh "he kept his finger on her  lip and told her
"We will face it together habibi "
'Hamdan '
He jerked away from his thoughts and faced his uncle
'It seems nowadays you are thinking a lot hamdan '
"It just the work pressure "
'Mmm you are thinking about her   again '
He smiled and told him "it is impossible not to think about her.  What i had done  was not right and it keeps nagging me every time."
'But it was due to the situation that you were in . It was not your fault .'uncle saeed replied
"I promised her that i will never let us down  and see what have i done "
He pulled his hair in agony
Uncle saeed couldnt see him in such a state and he moved to caress him and told 'may be you both were ..
And suddenly he was interrupted by ahmed who entered into the study room
"Brother why aren't  you ready ?"
The kids are waiting
Hamdan looked at him and said "let me just  get my keffiyeh "


'Dadi. You cannot do this to me . I am not a child anymore .
'That i am aware of '   the elderly woman in her late sixties replied back to her favourite grandchild .
'Do you know  aisha that women of your age are now mother of aleast one and here you are roaming around without the intention of getting married .'

Dadi..   Geeta raichand  interrupted her and told ' i am not asking you to get married right away . I am just asking you to spend more time with him '
Aisha raichand felt defeated and told her " but i know him from my childhood '
What else is there to get know? She asked irritatedly .
Ya i know that both of you know each other when  u were in diapers .. but its time you need see him from different angle . Like a suitor
'But dadi '
'Not buts . Its final '
He is coming  for the wedding and will stay here   for a  2 months. And you two are going see each other during that time '
'Fyn' aisha stomped her foot and closed the  door loudly
geeta raichand just smiled  and sat down to make a tea for herself .
A maiden rushed to her side to help her in making the cofee but she waved her off .
She had not faced such a dificulty in making the raichand jewellry  from scratch .  But her grand child surely  is .
Aisha raichad marched to her room and didnt  bothered to greet the servants along the hallway .
When she reached her room she saw one of the servants  maria dusting of the vase which was kept near to her room. She called her and told her '  maria if anyone  asked for me tell them that i am sleeping'.i dont want anyone to disturb me .The servant nooded and went off to di her job .
She entered her room and latched the door .
Then just slipped into her bed and closed her eyes
" why is it that she can't forget him even after all these years . His smile ,his eyes everything about him haunts her . Why ???
She kept delaying the marriage thing by declining the proposals that were send to her .But ever since her best friend  harry and   his two year old gilrfriend  elena  decided to get married  the whole family  starts to pressurise her .It seems every one is determined to get her married or  atleast to get her into a relationship.
But when she thinks of moving forward in her life all memories  and  the emotions everything starts to surface again . It is as if her mind doesnt want to remove him from her system and she was tired of that .
She was really tired of fighting against her family ,against her itself . she  was tired of everything .

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