Dark AU! Thomas x Reader

Start from the beginning

Y/N sat down at the dressing table. Taking out the hairdryer and allowing the warm directed air to woosh through her locks. The warmth waking her up and inviting her to the day ahead. It took her another half an hour to style her hair and put on her work appropriate make up. Walking down the stairs Y/N headed over to the kitchen. Grabbing herself a muffin from the fridge and making herself a cup of tea/coffee . Sipping at her drink Y/N grabbed her side bag and headed out of the house. Locking the door behind her.

 Y/N ate the muffin and threw the wrapper into the bin which stood at the front of the house. Walking by she headed to the garage, shivering slightly at the cold winter air which bit at her violently. Turning the corner Y/N felt the ground become uneasy, she had stood on something.. Looking down Y/N was shocked to see.. a set of keys there.. Thomas' keys. Kneeling down she went to pick up the keys. Taking them in her hand. 

What had happened? 

Edging over to the garage Y/N opened the large door and looked in shock to see the bike still in place... Thomas hadn't left that morning... but he wasnt at home. 

Becoming worried Y/N flipped out her phone and dialed Thomas' number, impatiently passing outside of the garage.

'Im sorry but the person you are calling is unable to take your ca-'

Re dial 

'Im sorry but the person y-'


'Im sorry bu the person you are calling is u-'

In frustration Y/N threw her flask against the garage door.. the contents flooding out onto the floor. Taking in a few deep breaths... it clicked. 

Y/N scrolled on her iphone to the 'find Iphone' feature. Opening the app Y/N started up the locating work... and sure enough.. it showed her where he was. One of the abandoned factories on the thames.. in East London. Near the Excel. Taking in a deep breath Y/N put her phone in her pocket. Having to move the bike out the way to let Y/N's car out was difficult but Y/N did it as fast as she could. 

Jumping in the car and starting it up Y/N made her way out of their street and headed towards the location. Her phone directing her like a GPS.

beep... Beep... BEep... BEEp.. BEEP 

Thomas frantically looked to his phone which was beeping in his pocket. Concerned about what was going on.. someone was trying to locate him.. the only one who was pared up to his phone was... Y/N. He was relieved, she knew he was missing... but scared, what if they tried to hurt her. 

One of the female perpetrators from before came over. Directly scrambling to take the phone from his pocket. Slamming it down onto the floor and stamping on it. The beeping soon stopped. The  women looked over to the others.

Women1: "Were going to have company.." 

Women2: Huffing "Chris.. keep watch... Jess.. Find out what route shes going to be taking.. see if you can locate her and ... prevent intervention." 

'Chris' and 'Jess' nodded and headed out of the room. The other.. moved over to a chair and looked to the now binded celebrity. His hands ziptied to the front of the chair and his feet attached now to the chair he was in. 

Thomas Brodie Sangster (Shorts and more!) Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now