The Maze Runner Tag

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1. Favorite Glader?

I really like Minho as a character, hes really strong and seems to never get scared. He is like the embodiment of strength. Hes so loyal and will never doubt anything that Thomas wants to do. 

2. Teresa or Brenda?

Brenda all the way

3. WICKED or The Right Arm?

Right arm! they want to do whats best for the kids, not whats best for themselves. 

4. Thomas, Minho, Newt?

im going to go with Newt, throughout the first book/ film you seem him develop as he struggles to deal with new found power and lost power. Then we see him struggle with freedom and then.... well you all know what happens. Hes a well rounded character. 

5. Which book was your favorite?

 I really liked the first book, the way it was structured was different to how ive seen other books similar to TMR structured before. 

6. Do you like the cast?

I love the cast! the way that they are all so close is also shown in the chemistry they have on stage. TMR family for life!

7. Favorite member of Group B?

Canon member would be Harriet, shes so strong willed and makes a great leader, I imagine in her glade she took shit from no one

BUT! non canon (aka my fanfic) would be Emily, I love how she is as a character and she knows exactly where her head is, shes stubborn and wont back down from a threat. 

8. Have you/ are you going to read The Kill Order?

Im currently reading game of thrones at the moment but once ive got through them I will be reading the Kill Order.

9. Least Favorite book of the series?

I didnt like Scorch trials, I felt like it dragged on a bit in some places and was rushed in others but I did like the overall storyline.

10. Fave TMR quote?

  "If you ain't scared... you ain't human."   

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