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Random Pov

  "Dreams are ridiculous."The thought rang threw Y/n's as she walked down the hall.

  "Hey TOMBOY! You have mail." Samon snickered as he tossed you a box.

  "Did it say who it was from."She questioned looking skeptical at the box.

   "No."He said then went back to doing his paperwork while eating a popsicle.

"Sheesh that was cold...get it?" She laughed.

   "Haha funny."He rolled his eyes and continued his paperwork.

    Still laughing to herself she opened up the box, but almost fear threw up at what she saw. It was a letter.

But it wasn't even open,the thing that scared her was what was written on it.

  From: Father...

   "It looks like you got a letter from your father."Samon inquired putting a hand on Y/n shoulder snapping her out of her current trance.

   She turned around smiling."That's impossible he's dead!"She akwardly laughed.Picking up the letter and throwing it in her trash bin.

   "Okay...Anyway we have a secret guard meeting in about 14minutes so let's go." He changed the subject.

   Your Pov

   I can't let that monkey find out, I could loose my job or even worst my cover could be blown.

   "Y/n look me in the eye and be completely honest, is something wrong?" I looked him in the eye,but damn his stare was more intense than I anticipated.

    "Quit eyeballing me would ya! Besides don't we have a meeting to get to !" I quickly sputtered than existed as fast as possible.


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